College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
10940 Thompson, V. 2011 Thompson, V. 2011. Book Review: Fotoatlas der Zikaden Deutschlands (Photographic Atlas of the Planthoppers and Leafhoppers of Germany). American Entomologist 57(3): 186-187.
11025 Dem, F.F. 2011 Community structure of Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta: Hemiptera) along an altitudinal gradient in Papua New-Guinea. University of Papua New Guinea. Papua, New Guinea Masters Thesis. pdf
11028 Maixner, M. 2011 Recent advances in Bois noir research. In: 2nd European Bois noir Workshop 2011, February 27-March 1, 2011, Castelbrando, Cison di Valmarion, Italy. Pp. 17-32. pdf
11029 Imo, M., M. Maixner, and J. Johannesen. 2011 Host races of the Bois noir vector Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret in Germany. In: 2nd European Bois noir Workshop 2011, February 27-March 1, 2011, Castelbrando, Cison di Valmarion, Italy. Pp. 103-104. pdf
11237 Nickel, H. 2011 An inordinate fondness of grasses: The paradox relationship between leafhoppers and graminoids. DGaaE Nachrichten 25(1): 34-35. pdf
11289 Burrows, M., J.A. Borycz, S.R. Shaw, C.M. Elvin, and I.A. Meinertzhagen. 2011 Antibody labelling of resilin in energy stores for jumping in plant sucking insects. PLoS ONE 6(12): e28456. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028456 pdf
11304 Arango, M., C. Ospina, J. Sierra, and G. Martínez. 2011 Myndus crudus: vector del agente causante de la Marchitez letal en palma de aceite en Colombia. Palmas 32: 13-25.
11363 Holzinger, W.E., G. Kunz, M. Riedle-Bauer, and A. Sara. 2011 Zikaden (Auchenorrhyncha). In: H. Wiesbauer, H. Zettel, M.A. Fischer, and R. Maier. (Eds.). Der Bisamberg und die Alten Schanzen. Vielfalt am Rande der Großstadt Wien. Verlag des Amts der NÖ Landesregierung, St. Pölten. Pp. 133-138 & 317-320. pdf
11426 Rahman, M.A., Y.J. Kwon, and S.J. Suh. 2011 A new species of the genus Gergithoides Schumacher (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Issidae) from Korea. Entomological News 122(4): 293-299. pdf
11436 Rossi Batiz, M.F. and A.M. Remes Lenicov. 2011 Description of the immature stages of Saccharosydne subandina Remes Lenicov and Rossi Batiz (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Studies on Neotroptropical Fauna and Environment. 46: 137-142.
11437 Rossi Batiz, M.F. and A.M. Marino de Remes Lenicov. 2011 A new genus and species of Saccharosydnini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae) from Argentina. Zootaxa 3118: 62-68.
11893 Littlewood, N. A. and A.J.A Stewart. 2011 Upland grassland Auchenorrhyncha at Glen Finglas, Perthshire. Glasgow Naturalist 25(3): 61-65. pdf
12219 Achtziger, R., P. Dynort, U. Nigmann, C. Bückle, Ping-Ping Chen, G. Kunz, N. Nieser, V. Trivellone and W. Witsack. 2011 Zur Zikadenfauna in der Weinlandschaft um Öhringen (Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland) (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Cicadina 12: 107-114. pdf
12328 Blum, H., K. Jung, H. Nickel and J. Planer. 2011 Entwicklung praxistauglicher Strategien zur Regulierung von Zikaden im ökologischen Arznei-und Gewürzpflanzenanbau im Freiland und unter Glas [Practicable strategies to control leafhopper pests of organically grown medicinal herbs and spices in the field and under glass] Projekt 06OE033. Bundesprogramms Ökologischer Landbau und andere Formen nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft (BÖLN). Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Lehr- und Forschungsstationen, Bonn, Germany. 322 pp. [report, in German, English summary] pdf
12354 Kaur, G. 2011 Biology of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) on rice. M.S. thesis, Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. [xvii]+55 pp. pdf
12384 Li, Kunpeng, Changzheng Xu and Juren Zhang. 2011 Proteome profile of maize (Zea Mays L.) leaf tissue at the flowering stage after long-term adjustment to rice black-streaked dwarf virus infection. Gene 485(2): 106-113.
12388 Jeyaprakash, A.B.D. Sutton, S. E. Halbert and T. S. Schubert. 2011 High-fidelity PCR facilitates detection and identification of a Texas Phoenix palm phytoplasma strain from pigmy date palm, Phoenix roebelenii in Florida. Plant Disease 95(11): 1475-1475.
12663 Ahmmed, H., A. Ahmed, N.Q. Kamal, and M.A. Taher Mia. (Team). 2011 Final report on consulting service for conducting Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) of rice (both production and storage level) in Bangladesh. House of Consultants Ltd. & Center for Resource Development Studies Ltd., Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Ministry of Agriculture Quarantine Services Strengthening Program, Department of Agriculture Extension, Dhaka 119 pp. pdf
12830 Malenovský, I., P. Baňař, and P. Kment. 2011 A contribution to the faunistics of the Hemiptera (Cicadomorpha, Fulgoromorpha, Heteroptera, and Psylloidea) associated with dry grassland sites in southern Moravia (Czech Republic). Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Biologicae 96(1): 41-187. pdf
12854 PHAM, Hong Thai. 2011 A checklist of the family Fulgoridae (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea) from Vietnam. In: Proceedings of the 3rd National Scientific Conference on Ecology and Biological Resources Hanoi, 22 October 2009. pp. 317-321 pdf
12884 Tiongco, E.R., U.G. Duque, H.X. Troung, M.L. Aragon, R.C. Joshi, PhD, and J.J. Tagubase. 2011 Field guide on Major Disorders of Rice Plants in the Philippines. Philippine Rice Research Institute, Science City of Muñoz, Philippines. 36 pp. pdf
13073 Rahman, M.A., Y.J. Kwon, and S.J. Suh. 2011. 2011 A new species of the genus Gergithoides Schumacher (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Issidae) from Korea. Entomological News 122(4): 293-299.
13089 SANADA-MORIMURA, Sachiyo, S. Sakumoto, R. Ohtsu, A. Otuka, and M. Matsumura. 2011 Overseas migration affects the status of insecticide resistance in domestic populations of the small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus. In: Abstracts Submitted for Presentation at the 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting. Phytopathology 101(6): S159-S159.
13122 LEE, Ki-Yeol, Sun-Kook KIM, Ik-Hawn KIM, and Kyung-Su KIM. 2011 Seasonal occurrence of spot clothing wax cicada, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) and it's control efficacy using EFAM at the vineyards. The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science 15(3): 303-309 pdf
13203 Fabre, A., J.L. Danet, and X.Foissac. 2011. 2011 The stolbur phytoplasma antigenic membrane protein gene stamp is submitted to diversifying positive selection. Gene 472(1-2): 37-41. [disease vector Hyalesthes obsoletus]
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