College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
9398 Angeli, G., L. Delaiti, and M. Dal Rì. 1997 Metcalfa pruinosa, cicalina originaria delle Americhe. Terra Trentina 6: 34-37.
9399 Angeli, G., V. Girolami, S. Finato,and L. Delaiti. 2001 Controllo biologico della cicalina Metcalfa pruinosa. Terra Trentina 47(1): 34-36.
9451 Dal Rí. M., L. Delaiti, and R. Maffei. 1992 Metcalfa pruinosa tra melata e fumaggine. Terra Trentina 1992: 31-33.
3807 Remane, R. and H. Reimer. 1989 Im NSG "Rotes Moor" durch Wanzen. Heteroptera) und Zikaden. Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) genutzte und ungenutzte "ökologische Lizenzen" im Vergleich zu anderen Mooren und der übrigen Rhön. Telma, Beiheft. 2: 149-172.
6225 Nickel, H. and E. Gärtner. 2009 Tyrphobionte und tyrphophile Zikaden (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha) in der Hannoverschen Moorgeest - Biotopspezifische Insekten als Zeigerarten für den Zustand von Hochmooren. [Tyrphobiontic and tyrphophilous planthoppers and leafhoppers (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha) of the peatlands to the north of Hanover (“Hannoversche Moorgeest“) - Bog-specific insects as indicators of habitat quality]. Telma 13: 45-74. pdf
8292 Nik Mohd, N.N.S., H. Hashim, P.M. Chang, A.P. Nordin, M. Mohd Salleh, and A.L. Ahmad Zabidi. 1989 Buprofezin, an insect growth regulator for control of rice hoppers. Teknologi Padi 5: 1-5.
13988 Abrego, J. C., A.S. Murgas, R. Cambra, and J.G. Lanzas. 2021 Nuevos registros sobre capturas de presas para Sagenista kimseyorum Bohart en Panamá, y registro de Sagenista cayennensis (Spinola) para Perú y Sagenista scutellaris (Spinola) para Bolivia (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae: Bembecinae). Tecnociencia 23(2): 221-228. [Colgorma, Flatoidinus] pdf
10999 Zehetmair, T.J.S. 2015 Diversität der Insektenfauna europäischer Buchenwälder (Asperulo-Fagetum) in einem biogeografischen Gradienten. Technische Universität München. München, Germany. Doctoral dissertation. pdf
6366 Maddison, P.A. 1993 Pests and other fauna associated with plants, with botanical accounts of plants. Technical report. UNDP/FAO-SPEC Survey of Agricultural Pests and Diseases in the South Pacific, vol. 3. Manaaki Whenua B Landcare Research, Auckland, New Zealand.
13875 Freedman, J. and N. Harms. 2017 Rearing and release of Megamelus scutellaris Berg (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) for biological control of waterhyacinth in 2015. Technical report, Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi. ERDC/TN APCRP-BC-40. pdf
13876 Grodowitz, M.J., N.E. Harms, and J.E. Freedman. 2017 The influence of fluctuating temperature on Megamelus scutellaris Berg (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Technical report, Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi. ERDC/TN APCRP-BC-41. pdf
5842 International Rice Research Institute. 1985 Resistance mechanisms in rice to Nilaparvata lugens. Technical report for EECTDRI Project TSD-095: Oct. 1984-March 1985. -
12342 Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC). 1987 Insect pests of economic significance affecting major crops of the countries in Asia and the Pacific region. Technical Document No. 135. Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAPA), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Bangkok, Thialand. [iv]+56 pp. pdf
12396 Glick, P. A. 1939 The distribution of insects, spiders and mites in the air. Technical Bulletin. United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Bulletin no 673. 150 pp. pdf
10853 Matsumoto, B.M. and T. Nishida. 1966 Predator-prey investigations on the taro planthopper and its predator. Technical Bulletin of the Hawaiian Agricultural Experiment Station No. 64. 32 pp. pdf
4139 Sogawa, K. and T. Watanabe. 1992 Redistribution of rice planthoppers and its synoptic monitoring in East Asia. Technical Bulletin of the Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (Taipei) 131: 1-9.
6144 Sawada, H., S.W.G. Subroto, G. Mustaghfirin, and E.S. Wuaya. 1992 Immigration, population development and outbreaks of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal), under different rice cultivation patterns in central Java, Indonesia. Technical Bulletin of the Food and Fertilizer Technology Center 130: 9-13.
6506 Singh, S.P., N.S. Rao, and T.J. Henneberry 1993 Leafhoppers and their natural enemies. Technical Bulletin - Project Directorate of Biological Control, ICAR [Indian Council of Agricultural Research] 6: 65 pp.
5273 Kosugi, Y. 2007 Occurrence of green flatid planthopper, Geisha distinctissima (Walker) in tea [Camellia sinensis] fields in Shizuoka Prefecture [Japan] and efficacy of pesticides against green flatid planthopper. Tea Research Journal 104: 67-72.
10285 Kibar, A.K., S. Güclü, and R. Sekban. 2013 Determination of the effectiveness of biopesticides having active ingredients azadirachtin and spinosad against a new harmful Ricania simulans (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. Tarm Bilimleri Arastrma Dergisi 6(1): 10-14.
6231 Kovanci, O.B., N.S. Gençer, B. Kovanci and H.C. Akgül. 2004 Bursa ili çilek Alanlaerinda Bulunan Homoptera Türleri.[Homoptera Species Found in Strawberry Fields in Bursa]. Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi 10(3): 318-322.[Turkish] pdf
9387 Ak, K., S. Güçlü, and R. Sekban. 2013 Dogu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Yeni Bir Zararli Ricania simulans (Walker, 1851)(Hemiptera: Ricaniidae)'a Karsi Azadirachtin ve Spinosad Etki Maddeli Biyopestisitlerin Etkinliklerinin Belirlenmesi. [Determination of the effectiveness of biopesticides having active ingredients azadirachtin and spinosad against a new harmful Ricania simulans (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) in the e Tarim Bilimleri Arastirma Dergisi 6(1): 10-14 pdf
14190 AK, Kibar, Saban GÜÇLÜ, and Reyhan SEKBAN. 2013 Dogu Karadeniz Bölgesi'nde yeni bir zararli Ricania simulans (Walker, 1851) (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae)’a karsi azadirachtin ve spinosad etki maddeli biyopestisitlerin etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi. [Determination of the effectiveness of biopesticides having active ingredients azadirachtin and spinosad against a new harmful Ricania simulans (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey]. Tarim Bilimleri Arastirma Dergisi 6(1): 10-14. [Turkish with abstract in English] pdf
9190 Roberts, L.I.N. 1979 Insects from the Cavalli Islands. Tane 25: 125-131. pdf
9495 Geethanjali, S. 2001 Molecular marker analysis for resistance to planthoppers (Sogatella furcifera Horvath and Nilaparvata lugens Stål) in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using simple sequence repeats. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India. 74 pp. Master’s Thesis.
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