Planthopper Bibliography Database
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56 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
8046 | Kenny, P.T.M. and H. Naki. 1987 Application of the B/E linked scan in the structure determination of bioactive compounds. Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products (Proceedings of the Symposium of Natural Organic Compounds) 29: 692-696 pdf |
2396 | Jermy, T. 1976 Insect - host-plant relationship - co-evolution or sequential evolution? Symposium Biologica Hungarica 16: 109-113. |
4032 | Shankar, G and P. Baskaran. 1993 Regulation of yeast-like endosymbiotes in the rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal (O: Homoptera, F: Delphacidae). Symbiosis 14(1/3): 161-173. |
10150 | Qu, L.Y., Y.H. Lou, H.W. Fan, Y.X. Ye, H.J. Huang, M.Q. Hu, Y.N. Zhu, and C.X. Zhang. 2013 Two endosymbiotic bacteria, Wolbachia and Arsenophonus, in the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens. Symbiosis 61(1): 47-53. |
11607 | Liljesthrom, G., Brentassi, M.E. and de Remes Lenicov, A.M.M. 2017 Modeling population dynamics of yeast-like symbionts (Ascomycota: Pyrenomycetes: Clavicipitaceae) of the planthopper Delphacodes kuscheli (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Symbiosis 72(3): 171–181. doi: 110.1007/s13199-13016-10452-13195. |
14814 | Brentassi, M.E. and D. de la Fuente. 2024 2024. Obligate mutualistic heritable symbiosis in sap-feeding insects: an intricate relationship in nature. Symbiosis 92: 159-185. |
9149 | Budinščak, Ž. 2009 Vektori fitoplazmi voćaka i vinove loze u Republici Hrvatskoj (Vectors of fruit tree and grapevine phytoplasmas in Republic of Croatia ). Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Osijek, Croatia. Doctoral Thesis. |
9826 | Svedling, A. 2003 Oat sterile dwarf - A molecular method for determination of virus content in individual planthopper vectors. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala, Sweden. Thesis. pdf |
8705 | Ossiannilsson, F. 1946 Halvvingar. Hemiptera. Stritar Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha. Svensk Insektfauna 7: 1–150. |
13611 | Milosavljevic, M., M. Tabakovic-Tosic, R. Gagic-Serdar, and M. Markovic. 2017 A contribution to the knowledge of Neodryinus typhlocybae (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae) –The flatid planthopper parasitoid. Sustainable Forestry 75/76: 31-38. [Metcalfa pruinosa] pdf |
14989 | Sangeetha, M. and N. Alaguchamy. 2024 Biodiversity and distribution pattern of Hemipteran insect bugs associated with rice field ecosystem of Sivaganga, TamilNadu, India. Sustainability, Agri, Food and Environmental Research 12(2): 383; 1-8. [Sogatella furcifera, Nilaparvata lugens] pdf |
14309 | Sullivan, N.J., S. Avosani, R.C. Butler, and L.D. Stringer. 2022 Vibrational communication of Scolypopa australis (Walker, 1851) (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) - towards a novel sustainable pest management tool. Sustainability 14(1): 185; 1-9. pdf |
14493 | YANG, Jiachen, Shukun MA, Yang LI, and Zhuo ZHANG. 2022 Efficient data-driven crop pest identification based on edge distance-entropy for sustainable agriculture. Sustainability 14: 7825; 1-11. [Lycorma delicatula] pdf |
12331 | Shiraki, T. 1952 Catalogue of injurious insects in japan (exclusive of parasites). Systematic List of Injurious Insects, Volume III, no. 800-1599. Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Natural Resources Section. Preliminary study no. 71. 3: 1–162. pdf |
12332 | Shiraki. T. 1952 Catalogue of injurious insects in japan (exclusive of parasites). Systematic List of Injurious Insects, Volume II, no. 1-799. Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Natural Resources Section. Preliminary study no. 71. 2: 1–128. pdf |
11514 | Linnavuori, R.E. 1969 Contributions to the hemipterous fauna of Egypt. Suomen Hyonteistieteellinen Aikakauskirja 35: 204–215. |
1937 | Halkka, O. 1959 Chromosome studies on the Hemiptera Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha. Suomalainen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia [Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae (A IV)] 43: 1-71. |
10016 | Geng, B.W. 2004 Studies on biological control of rice planthopper with Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum. Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong, China. PhD Dissertation. |
6381 | Hua, L.Z. 2002 Catalogue of Insects of China I. Sun Yat-Sen University Press, Guangzhou, China. - |
9655 | Matoševic, D. and M.I. Pernek. 2011 Strane I invazivne vrste fitofagnih kukaca u šumama Hrvatske I procjena njihove štetnosti. [Alien and invasive insects in Croatian forest ecosystems and estimate of their damage.] Šumarski list 135(13): 264-271. pdf |
8735 | Kumarasinghe, N.C. 1988 Pests of Sugarcane in Sri Lanka. Sugarcane Research Institute, Uda Walawe, Sri Lanka. - |
5361 | Mendoza, M. J. 2005 Management of Perkinsiella saccharicida in sugarcane in Ecuador. Sugarcane International 23(6): 7-9. |
8900 | David, H., S. Easwaramoorthy, and R. Jayanthi. 1986 Sugarcane entomology in India. Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Tamil Nadu, India. - |
6826 | Seneviratne, J.A.U.T. and N.C. Kumarasinghe. 2002 Biological control of the sugarcane planthopper by the moth Epiricania melanoleuca (Fletcher) in Sri Lanka. Sugar Tech 4: 26-32. pdf |
6832 | Rajak, D.C., R.P. Singh, K. Prasad, U. Chandra, S.R. Saroj, and H. Lal. 2008 Parasitism and hyper parasitism on Pyrilla Perpusilla Walker in sugarcane ecosystem. Sugar Tech 10(2): 150-153. pdf |