College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
12171 YANG, Meiling, Zhongtian XU, Wan ZHAO, Qing LIU, Qiong LI, Lu LU, Renyi LIU, Xiaoming ZHANG, and Feng CUI. 2018 Rice stripe virus-derived siRNAs play different regulatory roles in rice and in the insect vector Laodelphax striatellus. BMC Plant Biology 18: 219; 1-13. (ePub Article#219, 13 pp.) pdf
14528 GUO, Wei, Linlin DU, Chenyang LI, Shuhui MA, Zhaoyun WANG, Ying LAN, Feng LIN, Yijun ZHOU, Yunyue WANG, and Tong ZHOU. 2022 Rice stripe virus modulates the feeding preference of small brown planthopper from the stems to leaves of rice plants to promote virus infection. Phytopathology® 112(p): 2022-2027.
11367 Jiao, W.J., F.Q. Li, Y.L. Bai, X.X. Shi, M.F. Zhu, M.J. Zhang, C.G. Mao, and Z.R. Zhu. 2017 Rice Stripe virus infection alters mRNA levels of sphingolipid-metabolizing enzymes and sphingolipids content in Laodelphax striatellus. Journal of Insect Science 17: doi: 10.1093/jisesa/iew1111. pdf
10952 Wan, G.J., S.L. Jiang, W.J. Wang, G.Q. Li, X.R. Tao, W.D. Pan, G.A. Sword, and F.J. Chen. 2015 Rice stripe virus counters reduced fecundity in its insect vector by modifying insect physiology, primary endosymbionts and feeding behavior. Scientific Reports 5: 12527. DOI: 10.1038/srep12527. pdf
13342 HAN, Kelei, Haijian HUANG, Hongying ZHENG, Mengfei JI, Quan YUAN, Weijun CUI, Hehong ZHANG, Jiejun PENG, Yuwen LU, Shaofei RAO, Guanwei WU, Lin LIN, Xuemei SONG, Zongtao SUN, Junmin LI, Chuanxi ZHANG, Yonggen LOU, Jianping CHEN, and Fei YAN. 2020 Rice stripe virus coat protein induces the accumulation of jasmonic acid, activating plant defence against the virus while also attracting its vector to feed. Molecular Plant Pathology (2020): (PrePrint, 7 pp.)
10538 Li, S., S.J. Wang, X. Wang, X.L. Li, J.Y. Zi, S.S. Ge, Z.B. Cheng, T. Zhou, Y.H. Ji, J.H. Deng, S.M. Wong, and Y.J. Zhou. 2015 Rice stripe virus affects the viability of its vector offspring by changing developmental gene expression in embryos. Scientific Reports 5(7883): 1-11. DOI: 10.1038/srep07883. pdf
10984 Xu, Y., J.X. Wu, S. Fu, C.Y. Li, Z.R. Zhu, and X.P. Zhou. 2015 Rice Stripe Tenuivirus nonstructural protein 3 hijacks the 26S proteasome of the small brown planthopper via direct interaction with regulatory particle non-ATPase subunit 3. Journal of Virology 89(8): 4296-4310. DOI: 10.1128/JVI.03055-14. pdf
14104 KAMOLSUKYEUNYONG, Wintai, Wissarut SUKHAKET, Kitsada PITIJA, Pornwalai THORNGKHAM, Sugunya MAHATHEERANONT, Theerayut TOOJINDA, and Apichart VANAVICHIT. 2021 Rice sesquiterpene plays important roles in antixenosis against brown planthopper in rice. Plants 10(6): 1049; 1-13.
10692 Cui, F., W. Zhao, L. Luo, and L. Kang. 2015 Rice responses and resistance to planthopper-borne viruses at transcriptomic and proteomic levels. Current Issues in Molecular Biology 19: 43-52.
9485 Fujita, D., A. Kohli, and F.G. Horgan. 2013 Rice resistance to planthoppers and leafhoppers. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 32(3): 162-191.
7878 Ghosh, A. and V.T. John. 1980 Rice ragged stunt virus disease in India. Plant Diseases 64(11): 1032-1033. pdf
6759 Chen, C.C., M.J. Chen, R.J. Chiu, and H.T. Hsu. 1997 Rice ragged stunt virus (Oryzavirus) possesses an outer shell and A-spikes. Plant Protection Bulletin 39(4): 383-388. pdf
2411 Zhou, G.Y., X.B. Lu, H.J. Lu, J.J. Lei, S.X. Chen, and Z.X. Gong. 1999 Rice Ragged Stunt Oryzavirus: role of the viral spike protein in transmission by the insect vector. Annals of Applied Biology 135(3): 573-578.
6764 Chen, C.C., R.J. Chiu, and E.S. Wang. 1979 Rice ragged stunt disease, a new virus disease in Taiwan. Plant Protection Bulletin 21: 447.(Abstract).[Chinese]
6956 Ling, K.C., E.R. Tiongco, V.M. Aguiero, and P.Q. Cabauatan. 1978 Rice Ragged Stunt Disease in the Phillipines. IRRI Research Paper Series, Los Banos, Philippines. Volume 16. pdf
6760 Chen, C.C. and R.J. Chiu. 1981 Rice ragged stunt and its effect on the growth of rice plant. Plant Pathology Bulletin 23: 67-75. [Chinese]
7483 Yang, H.N., F.K. Huang, W.Q. He, K.Y. Liu, D.H. Huang, Z.F. Ma, Y.Y. Huang, J.D. Song, R.B. Li, S.L. Wei, X.Q. Li, Y.X. Zhang, C. Liu, Q. Chen, Z.L. Zuo, S.M. Wei, and L. Yang. 2010 Rice pyramiding lines conferring resistances to brown planthopper and bacterial leaf blight by marker-assisted selection. Molecular Plant Breeding 8(1): 11-19.
12320 Nesbitt, H. J. 1997 Rice Production in Cambodia. Cambodia-IRRI-Australia Project. International Rice Research Institute, Manila (Philippines). v+112 pp. pdf
6462 Hu, G., X.N. Cheng, G.J. Qi, F.Y. Wang, F. Lu, X.X. Zhang, and B.P Zhai. 2011 Rice planting systems, global warming and outbreaks of Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Bulletin of Entomological Research 101(2): 187-199.
13282 Shah, Z.U., M. Rizwan, B. Atta, A.M. Sabir and Q. Ali. 2019 Rice planthoppers: Problem in Pakistan. In: International Entomological Congress - 2019, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Abstract 163. [Sogatella furcifera, Nilaparvata lugens] pdf
13288 Sabir, A.M., Z.U. Shah, M. Sabar, M. Rizwan, B. Atta, A. Qadir, and M. Asghar. 2019 Rice Planthoppers: Potential threat to the sustainable rice production in the Punjab, Pakistan. In: 39th Pakistan Congress of Zoolology, Department of Zoology, Islamia College University, Peshawar, Pakistan. P. 229. [Sogatella furcifera, Nilaparvata lugens] pdf
13284 Rizwan, M., B. Atta, A.M. Sabir, and M. Sabar. 2019 Rice Planthoppers: Issue and solution in Pakistan. In: 2nd International Conference on Applied Zoology, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Abstract 164.
11811 Gunathilagaraj, K. 1999 Rice planthoppers. Pp. 31-58. In: A. Prakash and J. Rao (eds.). Insect pests of cereals and their management. Applied Zoologists Research Association CRRI Cuttack. Pp. 168. ISBN 81-90 0947-O-X.
10765 Heong, K.L., J.A. Cheng and M.M. Escalada (eds.). 2015 Rice Planthoppers, Ecology, Management, Socio Economics and Policy. Springer Netherlands. xvi + 231 Pp..
5804 Bentur, J.S. and B.C. Viraktamath. 2008 Rice planthoppers strike back. Planthopper meeting report. Current Science 95(4): 441-443. pdf
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