College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
7895 Hibino, H., P.Q. Cabauatan, T. Omura, and T. Tsuchizaki. 1985 Rice grassy stunt virus strain causing tungrolike symptom in the Philippines. Plant Disease 69(6): 538-541. pdf
10514 Jiang, L.B., Z.F. Zhu, L.Q. Ge, G.Q. Yang, and J.C. Wu. 2014 Rice grain damage by combination and sequence infestations by the rice leaffolder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), and the white-backed rice planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horvath (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Journal of Integrative Agriculture 13(11): 2460-2470. DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(14)60745-0.
13748 Sunil, V., V. Jhansi Lakshmi, K. Chiranjeevi, M. Sampathkumar, J.S. Bentur, and G.R. Katti. 2018 Rice genotypes resistant to brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) population of West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 26(2): 249-255.
6238 International Rice Research Institute. 2010 Rice Fact Sheet: Rice Grassy Stunt. Rice Knowledge Bank, International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines. - pdf
12955 ZHOU, JinMing, Jing YAN, KeKe YOU, YuanYuan GAO, and Qiang ZHOU. 2016 Rice endogenous NO response to oviposition stimulation of Nilaparvata lugens (Stǻl). Journal of Environmental Entomology 38(6): 1078-1083.
6559 Food and Agriculture Organization. 1966 Rice delphacids in Guadalcanal. FAO Plant Protection Committee for the South East Asia and Pacific Region, Quarterly Newsletter 9(1): 8.
813 Crane, P.S. and E.L.Paddock. 1974 Rice Delphacid Sogatodes orizicola (Muir) (Homoptera: Delphacidae). California Department of Food and Agriculture, Divion of Plant Industry, Detection Manual DT 3:75: 1-2. pdf
14432 WU, Jiangen, Yuanyuan ZHENG, Chenxi XU, Qiqi JIAO, Chenglong YE, Tongtong CHEN, Xiaoping YU, Kun PANG, and Peiying HAO. 2022 Rice defense against brown planthopper partially by suppressing the expression of transferrin family genes of brown planthopper. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 70(9): 2839-2850.
8775 Subhash, C. and R.K. Palta. 2010 Rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) outbreak in relation to weather factors. Indian Journal of Entomology 72(2): 178-180.
15026 Anjali, K.M. and P.K.V. Jhansilakshmi. 2024 Rice Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) feeding behaviour in resistant NAGINA22 rice mutants. Agricultural Science Digest (2024): (PrePrint, 7 pp.).
15041 Sunil, V., V.J. Lakshmi, K. Chiranjeevi, D.S. Rao, and M.S. Kumar. 2024 Rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) feeding behavior in relation to elevated CO2 and temperature. Journal of Agrometeorology 26(1): 92-98. pdf
5739 Kalode, M.B. 1985 Rice brown planthopper, leaffolder and gallmidge as national pests. In: S, Jayaraj, (ed.). Integrated Pest and Disease Management. Proceeding National Symposium, Taminadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Pp. 18-33.
7668 Nugaliyadde, L. and B.M. Tennakoon. 1987 Rice brown planthopper and green leafhopper, as vectors of rice virus diseases and their management through host-plant resistance. In: Rice Research Workshop, 1987. Department of Agriculture, Peradeniya. Pp.154-168.
4125 Sogawa, K. 1992 Rice Brown Planhopper (BPH) immigrants in Japan change biotype. International Rice Research Newsletter 17(2): 26-27. pdf
7766 Bui Chi Buu. 1993 Rice breeding orientation for resistance to brown plant hopper in the Mekong Delta. Nong Nghiep Cong Nghiep Thuc Pham [Journal of Agriculture and Food Industry] 1993(4): 134-135.
5824 Khush, G.S. 1971 Rice breeding for disease and insect resistance at IRRI. Oryza 8: 111-119.
12285 Lu, Lina, Qi Wang, Deqing Huang, Qiufang Xu, Xueping Zhou and Jianxiang Wu. 2019 Rice black-streaked dwarf virus P10 suppresses protein kinase C in insect vector through changing the subcellular localization of LsRACK1. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 374(1767).
6166 Kamran, R.R., K.K. Izadpanah, and F.F. Ebrahim-Nesbat. 2000 Rice Black Gall Dwarf in Fars. Iranian Journal of Plant Pathology 36(3-4): 81-83.
11428 Stroiński, A. 1999 Ricanopsis kingae sp. nov. from Africa (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Ricaniidae). Annales Zoologici 49(3): 197-201. pdf
696 Chung, T-Y. 1989 Ricaniidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Taiwan Museum Special Publication Series 8: 171-204.
5478 Yang, C.T. 1989 Ricaniidae of Taiwan (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Taiwan Museum Special Publication Series 8: 1-204.
4718 Williams, J.R. and R.G. Fennah. 1980 Ricaniidae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) from Mauritius, with a description of Trysanor cicatricosis spec.nov., gen. nov. Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa 43(1): 7-22.
12283 Kemal, M. and A. O. Koçak. 2019 Ricania speculum from the Philippines (Homoptera, Ricaniidae). Miscellaneous papers (Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara) 188: 3-4. pdf
8114 Ak, K., Ş. Güçlü, C. Eken, and R. Sekban. 2015 Ricania simulans (Walker, 1851) (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) a new pest for Turkey. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergis [Turkish Journal of Entomology] 39(2): 179-186. pdf
12769 Hizal, E., S. Oztemiz, and I. Gjonov. 2019 Ricania shantungensis Chou & Lu 1977 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Ricaniidae) A new invasive insect species in European Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 28(12A): 9816-9820. pdf
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