College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
8676 Calcat, A. 1959 Diseases and pests of date palm in the Sahara and North Africa. Bulletin of Entomological Research 11: 287-303.
8677 Calcat, A. 1959 Diseases and pests of date palm in the Sahara and North Africa. FAO (Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Plant Protection Bulletin 8: 5-10
451 Brewbaker, J. L. 1979 Diseases of maize in the wet lowland tropics and the collapse of the Maya civilization. Economic Botany 33: 101-118.
10280 Everwand, G., V. Rösch, T. Tscharntke, and C. Scherber. 2014 Disentangling direct and indirect effects of experimental grassland management and plant functional-group manipulation on plant and leafhopper diversity. BMC Ecology 14(1): doi:10.1186/1472-6785-14-1 pdf
14242 JUNG, Minhyung, Jung-Wook KHO, Do-Hun GOOK, Young Su LEE, and Doo-Hyung LEE. 2022 Dispersal and oviposition patterns of Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) during oviposition period in Ailanthus Altissima (Simaroubaceae). Research Square preprint 17 pp.
4601 Waloff, N. 1973 Dispersal by flight of leafhoppers (Auchenorrhyncha: Homoptera). Journal of Applied Ecology 10: 705-730. pdf
9022 Tomkins, A.R., D.J. Wilson, C. Thomson, and P. Allison. 2000 Dispersal by passionvine hopper (Scolypopa australis) adults. New Zealand Plant Protection 53: 185-189. pdf
4812 Wolfenbarger, D. O., H. H. Samol, and D. H. Habeck. 1976 Dispersal distances of the Caribbean fruit fly, corn planthoppers and Cuban May beetle. Researches on Population Ecology 18: 118-122.
3730 Raatikainen, M. 1972 Dispersal of leafhoppers and their enemies to oat fields. Annales Agriculturae Fennici 11: 146-153.
13234 Keller, J.A., A.E. Johnson, O. Uyi, S. Wurzbacher, D. Long, and K. Hoover. 2020 Dispersal of Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) nymphs through contiguous, deciduous Forest. Environmental Entomology 49(5): 1012–1018.
8026 Kusakabe, S.I. 1979 Dispersal of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stål (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) in relation to population growth. Applied Entomology and Zoology 14(2): 224-225. pdf
4988 Zheng, X.S., X.P. Yu, Z.X. Lu, Z.X. and J.M. Chen. 1999 Dispersal patterns of natural enemies of rice planthoppers between Zizania and rice fields. Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis 11(6): 339–343.
3640 Perfect, T.J. and A.G. Cook. 1987 Dispersal patterns of the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal), in a tropical rice-growing system and their implications for crop protection. Journal of Plant Protection in the Tropics 4(2): 121-127.
11333 Harrison, R.G. 1980 Dispersal polymorphisms in insects. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 11: 95-118.
6374 Cronin, J.T. and D.R. Strong. 1999 Dispersal-dependent oviposition and the aggregationof parasitism. The American Naturalist 154(1): 23-36. pdf
435 Brar, R.S. and S.S. Bains. 1980 Dispersion of eggs of Pyrilla perpusilla Walker during different seasons. Indian Journal of Ecology 7(1): 161-163.
13454 Keller, J., J. Rost, K. Hoover, J. Urban, H. Leach, M. Porras, B. Walsh, M. Bosold, and D. Calvin. 2020 Dispersion patterns and sample size estimates for egg masses of spotted lanternfly (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae). Environmental Entomology 49(6): 1462-1472. [Lycorma delicatula]
7787 Chen, Z.C. 1996 Dispersion regularity of rice planthopper lading places in Guangdong. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences 1996(4): 2-5.
3376 Nath, D.K., B.K. Bhandari, and D.K. Choudhuri. 1984 Dispositional characteristics in insect population with reference to the stem borer and the brown planthopper in the rice field. Indian Agriculturist 28(3): 161-172.
4338 Wilson, M.R. and J. Turner. 2010 Disseminating information on leafhopper, planthopper and psyllid vectors of phytoplasma disease. In: A. Bertaccini, A. Laviña and E. Torres (eds.). Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management. Abstracts of COST Action FA0807 Meeting 1-2 February 2010 in Sitges, Spain. P. 70 pdf
8751 He, P., J. Zhang, N.Y. Liu, Y.N. Zhang, K. Yang, and S.L. Dong. 2011 Distinct expression profiles and different functions of odorant binding proteins in Nilaparvata lugens Stål. PLoS ONE December: e28921. pdf
3618 Pathak, P.K. and S.K. Verma. 1980 Distinct geographic populations of brown planthopper in India. International Rice Research Newsletter 5(1): 12. pdf
12517 Zhao, Wan, Qianshuo Wang, Zhongtian Xu, Renyi Liu and Feng Cui. 2019 Distinct replication and gene expression strategies of the Rice Stripe virus in vector insects and host plants. Journal of General Virology 100(5): 877-888.
14336 Castillo-Villarraga, N. J., A. E. Bustillo-Pardey, and A. Morales-Rodríguez. 2022 Distribución de Haplaxius crudus (van Duzee, 1907) (Hemiptera: Cixiidae), en las zonas de palma de aceite en Colombia. [Distribution of Haplaxius crudus (Van Duzee, 1907)(Hemiptera: Cixiidae), in the oil palm areas of Colombia] Revista Colombiana de Entomología 48(1): e11009; 1-8.
9107 Villanueva, J., H. Carrillo, and J. Pina. 1986 Distribucion en México de Myndus crudus. Van Duzee (Homoptera: Cixiidae) , vector del amarillamiento letal del cocotero. Proceeedings of XII Congress Nacional de Entomologia, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, 16-19 March 1986. Pp.??
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