College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
6085 Yamasaki, M., H. Tsunematsu, A. Yoshimura, N. Iwata, and H. Yasui. 1999 Quantitative trait locus mapping of ovicidal response in rice (Oryza sativa L.) against whitebacked planthopper (Sogatella furcifera Horvath). Crop Science 39: 1178-1183.
11928 Duan, Can-Xing, Jian-Min Wan, Hu-Qu Zhai, Qing Chen, Jian-Kang Wang, Ning Su and Cai-Lin Lei. 2007 Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping of Resistance to Laodelphax striatellus (Homoptera: Delphacidae) in Rice Using Recombinant Inbred Lines. Journal of Economic Entomology 100(4): 1450–1455,
10427 Yang, Y.L., J. Xu, Y.J. Leng, G.S. Xiong, J. Hu, G.H. Zhang, L.C. Huang, L. Wang, L.B. Guo, J.Y. Li, F. Chen, Q. Qian, Q. and D.L. Zeng. 2014 Quantitative trait loci identification, fine mapping and gene expression profiling for ovicidal response to whitebacked planthopper (Sogatella furcifera Horvath) in rice (Oryza sativa L.). BMC Plant Biology 14(1): 1-32. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-14-145. pdf
5714 Zhang, Y.X., L. Jiang, L.L. Liu, B.X. Wang, Y.Y. Shen, Q. Wang, X.N. Cheng, and J.M. Wan. 2010 Quantitative trait loci associated with resistance to rice stripe virus and small brown planthopper infestation in rice. Crop Science 50(5): 1854-1862.
2445 Kamoshita, K., I. Ohno, K. Kasamatsu, T. Fujita and M. Nakajima. 1979 Quantitative structure-activity relationships of phenyl N-methylcarbamates against the smaller brown planthopper and its acetylcholinesterase. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 11(1-3): 104-116. pdf
4864 Yadav, R.P. and J.P. Chaudhary. 1991 Quantitative relationship between temperature and different biological parameters of the parasitoids of the sugarcane leaf hopper (Pyrilla perpusilla Walker). Bulletin of Entomology 32(1-2): 82-91.
7248 Xiao, Y.H., Y.Y. He, F. Liu, and H.M. Yang. 2007 Quantitative measurement of the influence of repeated pesticide application on food intake of Ummeliata insecticeps by the fluorescence labeling method. Acta Entomologica Sinica 50(12): 1239-1246. pdf
7247 Xiao, Y.H., Y.Y. He, F. Liu, and H.M. Yang. 2006 Quantitative measurement of influence of herbicides on food intake of Ummeliata insecticeps by the fluorescence labeling method. Acta Entomologica Sinica 49(4): 630-635. pdf
10946 Uawisetwathana, U., Graham, S.F., Kamolsukyunyong, W., Sukhaket, W., Klanchui, A., Toojinda, T., Vanavichit, A., Karoonuthaisiri, N. and C.T.Elliott. 2015 Quantitative H-1 NMR metabolome profiling of Thai Jasmine rice (Oryza sativa) reveals primary metabolic response during brown planthopper infestation. Metabolomics 11(6): 1640-1655. DOI: 10.1007/s11306-015-0817-4.
4316 Tanaka, K. 1999 Quantitative genetic analysis of biotypes of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens: heritability of virulence to resistant rice varieties. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 90(3): 279-287. pdf
9883 Watanabe, T., L. T. Fabellar, L. P. Almazan, E. G. Rubia, K. L. Heong, and K. Sogawa. 1997 Quantitative evaluation of growth and yield of rice plants infested with rice planthoppers. In: M.J. Kropff, P.S. Teng, P.K. Aggarwal, J. Bouma, B.A.M Bouman, J.W. Jones, and H.H. Van Laar, (eds.). Applications of Systems Approaches at the Field Level. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. Pp. 365-382.
7644 Wang, S., C. Zhu, Y.Q. Feng, Y. Zhang, G.H. Liang, and Y.Z. Yang. 2010 Quantitative detection of rice stripe virus in Laodelphax striatellus under different CO2 concentrations. Chinese Journal of Ecology 29(9): 1782-1787. pdf
13742 HE, Peng, Jia-Ju LIU, Ming HE, Zhen-Chao WANG, Zhuo CHEN, Rong GUO, James C. CORRELL, Song YANG, and Bao-An SONG. 2013 Quantitative detection of relative expression levels of the whole genome of Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus and its replication in different hosts. Virology Journal 10(1): 1-9. [Sogatella furcifera]
2280 Huang, C.W. and B.C. Feng. 1993 Quantitative aspects of feeding activity in the white-back planthopper Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) and the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Acta Entomologica Sinica 36(2): 251-255. pdf
2587 Kontkanen, P. 1950 Quantitative and seasonal studies on the leafhopper fauna of the field stratum on open areas in North Karelia. Annales Zoologici Societatis Zoologicae Botanicae Fennicae “Vanamo” 13(8): 1–91.
10852 Matsukura, K., T. Towata, , K. Yoshida, J. Sakai, M. Okuda, M. Onuki, and M. Matsumura. 2015 Quantitative analysis of Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus in Sogatella furcifera and virus threshold for transmission. Phytopathology 105(4): 550-554. DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO-05-14-0142-R.
10756 Hajano, J.U.D., B. Wang, Y.D. Ren, C.T. Lu, and X.F. Wang. 2015 Quantification of southern rice black streaked dwarf virus and rice black streaked dwarf virus in the organs of their vector and nonvector insect over time. Virus Research 208: 146-155. DOI: 10.1016/j.virusres. 2015..06.015.
11849 Shah, A., A. Zia, M. A. Rafi, S. A. Mehmood, S. Aslam and M. T. Chaudhry. 2016 Quantification of Honeydew Production Caused By Dubas Bug on Three Date Palm Cultivars. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 4(4): 478-484. pdf
11916 Sarao, P.S. and Jagadish Bentur. 2018 Quantification of antibiosis levels in nine different rice genotypes against Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Delphacidae). International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 38(4): 330-339. H
8872 Atanasova, B., D. Spasov, and D. Spasova. 2010 Qualitative and quantitative analisys of cicadas (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha) at grapevine in region of Kavadarci, Republic Of Macedonia. In: 20th Anniversary International Scientific Conference 3th - 4th June 2010, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. Pp. 109-114. pdf
4834 Wu, J., B. Shen, and X. Pang. 1990 Quadratic regression rotation composite design and study on the effect of four species of spiders on the white-backed rice planthopper. Journal of South China Agricultural University 11(2): 16-24.
5942 Sogawa, K., H. Fujimoto, Q. Qian, S. Teng, G. Liu, and L. Zhu. 2001 QTLs for ovicidal response to white backed planthopper in rice. Chinese Rice Research Newsletter 9(4): 5. pdf
6314 Yamasaki, M., A. Yoshimura and H. Yasui. 2003 QTL mapping of rice ovicidal response to two planthopper species. Rice Genetics Newsletter 20: 81–83.
14386 WANG, Xuan, Yue HAN, Yue-xiong ZHANG, Biao DENG, Bi-qiu WU, Xin-ying GUO, Yu-fen QIN, Yao?yu FANG, Fang LIU, Bao?xiang QIN, Ji?jing LUO, and Rong?bai LI. 2022 QTL mapping integrated with BSA-Seq analysis identifies a novel gene conferring resistance to brown planthopper from common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.). Euphytica 218: 34; 1-13.
5176 Duan, C.X., N. Su, Z.J. Cheng, C.L. Lei, J.L. Wang, H.Q. Zhai, and J.M. Wan. 2010 QTL analysis for the resistance to small brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus Fallen) in rice using backcross inbred lines. Plant Breeding 129(1): 63-67. pdf
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