College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
8173 Lee, J.H., U.S. Yeo, D.Y. Kwak, D.S. Park, B.G. Oh, Y.C. Ku, H.Y. Kim, and J.K. Sohn. 2005 QTL analysis for ripening traits of BHP resistant backcross inbred lines in rice. Korean Journal of Breeding 37(5): 295-299.[Korean] pdf
9930 Zhou, J.H., S.X. Zhao, C.B. Wu, and W.F. Li. 1992 Qiandongnan forest area pest census directory. Guizhou Forestry Science and Technology 20(3): 72-80. pdf
7973 Peng, X., W. Zha, R. He, T. Lu, L. Zhu, B. Han, and G. He. 2011 Pyrosequencing the midgut transcriptome of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Insect Molecular Biology 20(6): 745-762. pdf
11689 Porion, T. and C. Audibert. 2017 Pyrops silighinii n. sp., a new Fulgoridae from Philippines (Hemiptera : Fulgoromorpha). Faunitaxys 5(5): 1-4.
11688 Nagai, S., T. Porion and C. Audibert. 2018 Pyrops nishiguroi n. sp., a new Fulgoridae from Philippines, with some notes on the Pyrops oculatus group (Hemiptera : Fulgoromorpha). Faunitaxys 5(1): 1-5.
13999 Constant, J. 2021 Pyrops auratus, a new lanternfly from the Philippines and taxonomic note on Bornean P. gunjii (Satô & Nagai, 1994) (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae). Belgian Journal of Entomology 112: 1-19.
4482 Velazquez, P.D.; F.A. Guzmán, L.R. Conci, A.M.M. de Remes Lenicov and G.A. Truol. 2006 Pyrophagus tigrinus Remes Lenicov & Varela (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), nuevo vector del Mal de Río Cuarto virus (MRCV, Fijivirus) en condiciones experimentales. Agriscientia (Córdoba) 23(1): 9-14. pdf
8927 Parihar, S.B.S. and N. Singh. 2000 Pyrilla perpusilla Walker on Kharif crops. Insect Environment 5(4): 187.
3600 Pandey, A.K., K.P. Pandey, K.P. Verma, and S.B. Singh. 1993 Pyrilla perpusilla - a new host of Absidia corymbifera. National Academy Science Letters (India) 16(7-8): 211.
6863 Sinha, M.M., Y.P. Shreevastava and G. Prasada. 1974 Pyrilla epidemic in North Bihar during 1973. Indian Sugar 24: 251-254.
6822 Kalra, A.N. 1973 Pyrilla a menace to sugarcane and sugar industry. Indian Sugar 23: 737-739.
848 Dai, S.M. and C.N. Sun. 1984 Pyrethroid resistance and synergism in Nilaparvata lugens Stal (Homoptera: Delphacidae) in Taiwan [Economic crops]. Journal of Economic Entomology 77(4): 891-897.
1737 He, Chao, Youlun Xiao, Jianghui Yu, Jinjiang Li, Qiucheng Meng, Xianguo Qing and Guoying Xiao. 2018 Pyramiding Xa21, Bph14, and Bph15 genes into the elite restorer line Yuehui9113 increases resistance to bacterial blight and the brown planthopper in rice. Crop Protection 115 (2019): 31–39.
12860 Rajesh, T., S. Maruthasalam, K. Kalpana, K. Poovannan, K. K. Kumar, E. Kokiladevi, D. Sudhakar, R. Velazhahan, and P. Balasubramanian. 2020 Pyramiding insect and disease resistance in an elite indica rice cultivar asd16. Biologia Plantarum 64: 77-86. DOI:10.32615/bp.2019.106 [Nilaparvata lugens] pdf
10247 Zhao, P., R.R. Feng, Q.Z. Xiao, P.Z. Yang, W. Lin, P.Q. Liu, and R.B. Li. 2013 Pyramiding brown planthopper genes, bph20(t) and bph21(t), and rice blast resistant gene Pi9 in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Southern Agriculture 44(6): 885-892.
11212 Ji, Z.J., S.D. Yang, Y.X. Zeng, Y. Liang, C.D. Yang, and Q. Qian. 2016 Pyramiding blast, bacterial blight and brown planthopper resistance genes in rice restorer lines. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 15(7): 1432-1440. DOI 1410.1016/S2095-3119(1415)61165-61160. pdf
8755 Hu, J., X. Lin, C.J. Wu, C.J., H.X. Hua., G.J. Gao, J.H. Xiao, and Y.Q. He. 2012 Pyramiding and evaluation of the brown planthopper resistance genes Bph14 and Bph15 in hybrid rice. Molecular Breeding 29(1): 61-69.
13816 Deekshita, K., and C.V. Ramarao. 2018 Pymetrozine: A Pyridine Azomethine insecticide for management of rice brown planthopper in India. Chemical Science Review and Letters 7(25): 335-339. pdf
13097 WANG, Li-Xiang, Yan-Chao ZHANG, Sha TAO, Di GOU, Yan ZHANG, Ya-Long JIA, Shuai ZHANG, Chen ZHANG, Chen ZHENG, Dilawar KHAN, Cong-Fen GAO, and Shun-Fan WU. 2020 Pymetrozine inhibits reproductive behavior of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens and fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 165: 104548; 1-8. (ePub article#104548, 8 pp.)
7206 Xu, D.J., Z.Y. Gu, G.C. Xu, X.L. Xu, and P. Fan. 2010 Pymetrozine application techniques against Nilapabata lugens (Stal)and safety evaluation to its natural enemies. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture 18(5): 1054-1059. pdf
12239 Wang, Li-Xiang, Chun-Dong Niu, V. L. Salgado, K. Lelito. L. Stamb, Ya-Long Jia, Yan Zhang, Cong-Fen Gao and Shun-Fan Wu. 2019 Pymetrozine activates TRPV channels of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens. Pesticide Biochemistry & Physiology 153: 77–86.
13761 Suri, K.S., and M.G. Singh. 2018 Pymetrozine 50 wg: A novel insecticide against rice planthoppers. Indian Journal of Entomology 80(4): 1414-1419. [Nilaparvata lugen, Sogatella furcifera]
10660 Bartlett, C.R. and S.E. Halbert. 2015 Pygospina reducta, a delphacid planthopper, a new Continental USA record. P. 6 In: S.E. Halbert (ed.). Entomology Section. Tri-Ology 54(3): 5-10. pdf
14703 LI, Chengpei, Aaron J. XU, Eric BEERY, S. Tonia HSIEH, and Suzanne Amador KANE. 2023 Putting a new spin on insect jumping performance using 3D modeling and computer simulations of spotted lanternfly nymphs. Journal of Experimental Biology 226(19): jeb246340.
8967 Bargen, S. von; T. Henniger, C. Ulrichs, T. Taye, and C. Büttner. 2010 Putative vectors transmitting phytoplasmas associated with Parthenium hysterophorus in Ethiopia. [Identifizierung potentieller Vektorinsekten einer Phytoplasmose an Parthenium hysterophorus in Äthiopien.] Julius-Kühn-Archiv 428: 437. pdf
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