College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
9022 Tomkins, A.R., D.J. Wilson, C. Thomson, and P. Allison. 2000 Dispersal by passionvine hopper (Scolypopa australis) adults. New Zealand Plant Protection 53: 185-189. pdf
9033 Gerard, P.J. 2004 Synchronisation of the parasitoid Centrodora scolypopae with its host Scolypopa australis. New Zealand Plant Protection 57: 191-195. pdf
9036 Logan, D.P., P.A. Allison and K. Stannard. 2002 Selection of wild hosts for feeding by passion vine hopper, Scolypopa australis (Walker) (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) in the bay of plenty. New Zealand Plant Protection 55: 368-373. pdf
9491 Gaskin, R.E., D.P. Logan, W. May, C.A. Rowe, K.D. Steele, R.M. van Leeuwen, and P.G. Connolly. 2012 Control of passionvine hopper and cicada eggs on kiwifruit canes with bifenthrin and a new superpenetrant adjuvant. New Zealand Plant Protection 65: 100-105. pdf
13347 XU, Bingqin, and David A.J. TEULON. 2019 Arthropod pests of kiwifruit identified from Chinese language literature. New Zealand Plant Protection 72: 281-281. [Lycorma delicatula]
837 Cumber, R.A. 1952 Entomological aspects of Yellow-Leaf Disease of Phormium. New Zealand Science Review 10: 3–4. pdf
1954 Hamilton, K.G.A. 1987 The Ojibway Prairie Provincial Nature Reserve, Ontario. Newsletter Arthropods of Canada Grasslands 4: 2-3. pdf
1955 Hamilton, K.G.A. 1987 Supplement to a Theme Study of Natural Grassland in Western Canada (1973). Newsletter Arthropods of Canada Grasslands 4: 7-9. pdf
1957 Hamilton, K.G.A. 1990 Grasslands of Ontario and surrounding areas. Newsletter Arthropods of Canada Grasslands 5: 2-10. pdf
8672 Mozaffarian, F. and M. Taghipour. 2007 Correction a current error at name dubas bug. Newsletter of Entomological Society of Iran 34: 3. [Persian].
13344 Haack, R.A. 2019 Spotted lanternfly: an Asian exotic is moving westward from the East Coast. Newsletter of the Michigan Entomological Society 63 (1): 5-7. pdf
3127 Melber, A., J. Prüter, V. Assing, and P. Sprick, 1996 Erste Ergebnisse der Erfassung ausgewählter Wirbellosen-Gruppen in einer kleinen Vegetationsinsel auf den Panzerübungsflächen des NSG Lüneburger Heide. Heteroptera; Homoptera; Auchenorrhyncha; Coleoptera, Carabidae, Staphylinidae, Curculionidae). NNA-Berichte [Norddeutsche Naturschutzakademie-Berichte] 9(1): 93-102.
13716 Malathi, V.M., S.K. Jalali, R.G. Gracy and T. Venkatesan. 2017 Acetylcholinesterase activity associated with acephate resistance in brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). A nnals of Plant Protection Sciences 25(1) : 83-85. 25(1): 83-85.
5731 Sogawa, K. 2005 Epidemic of rice stripe virus disease in Jiangsu province, China. Nogyo Gijutsu 60: 405-409.[Japanese]
6430 Kaneda, C. 1975 Simple testing methods of brown planthopper resistance in rice, and their application to breeding. Nogyo oyobi Engei 50: 130-132.[Japanese]
9259 Kisimoto, R. 1975 Timing of control and control threshold of the planthopper. Nohyaku [Agricultural Chemicals] 22(3): 3-6. [Japanese]
8218 Luong, M.C. and L.P.T. Nguyen. 1995 Preliminary studies on the spread of rice ragged stunts disease caused by brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal). Nong Nghiep Cong Nghiep Thuc Pham 1995(4): 143-144.
8521 Chi, T.T.N. 1995 Effect of some plant extracts on white backed planthopper (WBPH) in greenhouse conditions. Nong Nghiep Cong Nghiep Thuc Pham 1995(2): 64-65.[Vietnamese]
7766 Bui Chi Buu. 1993 Rice breeding orientation for resistance to brown plant hopper in the Mekong Delta. Nong Nghiep Cong Nghiep Thuc Pham [Journal of Agriculture and Food Industry] 1993(4): 134-135.
8167 Le, T.T., Q.H. Nguyen, and P.L. La. 1990 Some preliminary observations on new strain of brown rice - hopper in the Mekong plain. Nong Nghiep Cong Nghiep Thuc Pham [Journal of Agriculture and Food Industry] 9: 531-534.
8216 Luong, M.C. 1991 Population dynamics of the brown planthopper (Bph) and its natural enemies in Mekong Delta. Nong Nghiep Cong Nghiep Thuc Pham [Journal of Agriculture and Food Industry] 1991(3): 97-100.
8217 Luong, M.C. 1991 The development of BPH biotype in Mekong delta. Nong Nghiep Cong Nghiep Thuc Pham [Journal of Agriculture and Food Industry] 1991(5): 210-212.
8282 Nguyen, C.T., P.T. Hoang, and T.B. Dang. 1997 Study on biotype variation of the brown planthopper (BPH) in the Mekong delta and the red river delta in Vietnam. Nong Nghiep Cong Nghiep Thuc Pham [Journal of Agriculture and Food Industry] 1997(3): 104-107.
8288 Nguyen, V.L., M.C. Luong, and T.L. Nguyen. 1991 New rice varieties resistant to the brown planthopper in the Mekong river delta. Nong Nghiep Cong Nghiep Thuc Pham [Journal of Agriculture and Food Industry] 12: 541-544.
9645 Luong, M.C., L.C. Ngo, T.K.T. Tran, T.B. Phan, and D.C. Hoang. 1999 Efficacy of seed treatment to control rice pest in Mekong Delta. Nong Nghiep Cong Nghiep Thuc Pham [Journal of Agriculture and Food Industry] 1999(5): 195-196.
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