College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
336 Bernhardt, K.-G. and K. Arnold. 1991 Zum Auftreten von Haematoloma dorsatum (Ahrens) und Graphocephala fennahi Young in den Räumen Münster und Osnabrück. Natur und Heimat 51: 75-77.
1478 Feldmann, R.and M. Bussmann. 1993 Die Ausbreitung der Rhododendron-Zikade. Graphocephala fennahi (Young) im Sauerland und im Hellwegraum. Natur und Heimat 53: 93-98.
3424 Niedringhaus, R. 1989 Die von F. und R. Struve von 1932 bis 1938 auf Borkum gesammelten Zikaden. Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Natur und Heimat 49(3): 81-90.
3400 Nickel, H. 2001 Zikaden. - Der Steinberg bei Wesseln. Natur und Landschaft im Landkreis Hildesheim 2: 105-109.
4024 Sergel, R. 1988 Inselfaunenmuster kanarischer Homopteren. Natur und Museum (Frankfurt am Main) 118(6): 182-190.
4548 Voigt, K. 1978 Zur Zikadenfauna des Naturschutzgebietes "Rußheimer Altrhein". Natur- und Landschaftsschutzgebiete Baden-Wiirttembergs 10: 445-450.
1645 Förster, H. 1961 Zur Zikadenfauna der Oberlausitz. (Hemiptera - Homoptera). I. Typhlocybidae. Natura lusatica: Beiträge zur Erforschung der Natur der Lausitz 5: 61-72.
278 Baugnée, J.Y. 2000 Note sur le statut de l'homoptere Cercopidae Cercopis sanguinolenta (Scopoli, 1769) en Belgique. Natura Mosana 53(4): 119-124.
11829 András, O. 2009 Gyurufun a Biodiverzitás Napokon gyujtött kabócák (Auchenorrhyncha). Natura Somogyiensis 13: 91-96. pdf
1984 Harper, M.G., C.H. Dietrich, R.L. Larimore, and P.A. Tessene. 2000 Effects of prescribed fire on prairie arthropods: An enclosure study. Natural Areas Journal 20(4): 325-335.
1171 Dong, J. 1983 Studies on the biology of Dryinus sp. , a hymenopterous parasitoid of Lycorma delicatula White (Homopt: Fulgoridae). Natural Enemies of Insects 5(4): 224-227. pdf
2271 Hu Nan Agricultural College. 1987 Observation on the catching quantity of two spiders Lycosa pseudoannulata and Erigonidium graminicolum to the larvae of rice leaf roller and the nymph of rice plant hopper. Natural Enemies of Insects 9(2): 70-73.
2777 Lei, G., J. Dai, and Z. Nie. 1984 Observation on the control effect of Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter on planthoppers in paddy fields. Natural Enemies of Insects 6(3): 143-144.
2788 Li, B.Z. and J.X. He. 1991 The investigation of fluctuation on numbers of three species of Mymaridae parasiting [sic] the eggs of planthoppers and their protection and utilization. Natural Enemies of Insects 13(4): 156-161.
2791 Li, H. 1984 On the Entomophthora delphacis - a pathogen of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens. Natural Enemies of Insects 6(3): 132-135.
2793 Li, H. 1987 A comparative study on the pathogenicity of four strains of Beauveria bassiana. Natural Enemies of Insects 9(2): 78-81.
2836 Lin, G. and L. Hu. 1985 The occurrence and fluctuation of Anagrus sp. Natural Enemies of Insects 7(1): 1-4.
2885 Liu, Z.C., Y.X. Lu, J.H.Liu, and P.L. Ren. 1988 Study of pathogenic bacterium Serratia marcescens of rice plant hopper Nilaparvata lugens. Natural Enemies of Insects 10(1): 34-38.
2940 Luo, X.N. and W. Zhuo. 1983 Bringing the function of egg-parasites on Nilaparvata lugens Stal into full play. Natural Enemies of Insects 5(2): 61-63.
2941 Luo, X.N. and W.X. Zuo. 1986 A study on the relationship between the population fluctuations of rice planthoppers and their natural enemies and natural control effects. Natural Enemies of Insects 8(2): 72-79.
4234 Sun, Z. 1988 The relationship between distribution pattern of spiders and rice planthoppers in paddy fields. Natural Enemies of Insects 10(2): 88-90.
4643 Wang, Y. and X. Pang. 1986 Investigation of the host range of Anagrus nilaparvatae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). Natural Enemies of Insects 8(4): 225-229.
4832 Wu, H. 1988 Hydrometra albolineata (Hemiptera: Hydrometridae) a predator of rice planthopper and rice leafhopper. Natural Enemies of Insects 10(3): 136-138.
4863 Xu, Z.F. and J.H. He. 1996 The preliminary notes on the dryinid parasitoids of rice delphacids in Guizhou (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae). Natural Enemies of Insects 18(3): 124-130.
4961 Zhang, C.Z. and L.F. Jin.. 1992 Preliminary study of biology of rice planthopper's parasite Haplogontopus [Haplogonatopus] japonica Esari et Hashimoto. Natural Enemies of Insects 14(2): 57-61.
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