College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
3867 Ross, H. 1957 Principles of natural coexistance indicated by Leafhopper populations. Evolution 11: 113-129.
14429 MA, Chao, Yuanyuan ZHANG, Wei GUI, Qiuxin ZHANG, Gang XU, and Guoqing YANG. 2022 Priming of rice seed with decoyinine enhances resistance against the brown planthopper Nilparvata lugens. Crop Protection 157: 105970.
14269 LIN, Yibin, Xianhui LIN, Chaohui DING, Ming XIA, Rongrong XUE, Zhongxiang SUN, Daoqian CHEN, Keyan ZHU-SALZMAN, Rensen ZENG, and Yuanyuan SONG. 2022 Priming of rice defense against a sap-sucking insect pest brown planthopper by silicon. Journal of Pest Science (2022): (PrePrint, 15 pp.).
8696 Zandigiacomo, P., E. Cargnus, F. Pavan, and A. Villani. 2009 Primi reperti della cicalina Acanalonia conica (Say) in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Notiziario ERSA 22(2): 52-54. pdf
7799 Rodriguez-León, R., N. Novoa, and M. M. Hidalgo-Gato. 1998 Primer registro del género Matutinus Distant, 1917 (Homoptera: Delphacidae) para Cuba con la descripción de una nueva especie. Poeyana 456: 1-4. pdf
12983 Campodonico, J.F. 2020 Primer registro de un Acanaloniidae (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea) en Chile [First record of an Acanaloniidae (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Fulgoroidea) in Chile]. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 79(1): 34-36.
6543 Toledo, A.V., A.M.M. de Remes Lenicov, and C.C. Lopez Lastra. 2007 Primer registro de Conidiobolus coronatus (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) en crías experimentales de dos especies plaga del maíz: Delphacodes kuscheli y D. haywardi (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) en la Argentina. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 42(3-4): 169-174. pdf
11676 Campodonico, J. F. 2017 Primer registro de Aulocorypha punctulata Berg, 1879 (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) en Chile. Arquivos Entomolóxicos 18: 309-312. pdf
6033 Quartau, J.A. A. Bivar de Sousa, G. Andre, and M.R. Wilson. 1998 Primeira citação para Portugal de Ommatissus binotatus Fieber 1976 (Homoptera, Tropiduchidae) e notas ecológicas obre o seu ectoparasita Ommatissopyrops lusitanicus Bivar de Sousa and Quartau, 1998 (Lepidoptera, Epipyropidae). [First record to Portugal of Ommatissus binotatus Fieber, 1876 (Homoptera, Tropiduchidae) and ecological notes on its ectoparasite Ommatissopyrops lusitanicus Bivar de Sousa and Quartau, 1998 (Lepidoptera, Epipyropidae)]. Boletim da Sociedada Portuguesa de Entomologia 7(2): 9-15.[Portuguese with English summary] pdf
12480 Liu, Yong-Sheng, Si-Yong Zhou, Cong-Dan Wang, Zhi Xie, Mao-Ping Fu, Guang Zhao, Guang-Cai Hu and Ming-Zhen Xie. 1996 Primary Study on the Bionomics and Chemical Control of Lawana imitata Melichar. Hubei Forestry Science and Technology 1996: 29–30.
8279 Ngo, V.V., V.T.Ngo, and V.H. Nguyen. 1992 Primary studies on rice yellow stunted disease in the coastal plain of central region of Viet Nam. Bao Ve Thuc Vat [Plant Protection Journal] 5: 4-6.
10258 Zhou, T., Y. Lan, L. Du, F. Sun, Y. Fan, Z. Cheng, and Y. Zhou. 2013 Primary research progress on the resistance of rice varieties against two rice viruses transmitted by small brown planthoppers (SBPH) in China. Phytopathology 103(6): 184.
1482 Feng, C.Y. and C.H. Li. 1990 Primary investigations on the host transfer and population dynamics of plant-bugs in Haian. Entomological Knowledge 27(4): 210-212.
4670 Webb, D.W. 1980 Primary insect types in the Illinois Natural History Survey collection, exclusive of the Collembola and Thysanoptera. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 32: 55-191. pdf
494 Cai, L.Q. 1983 Primary inquisation of meteorological condition on migrating peak period of brown plant-hopper along Yangzi River between Hubei and Hunan Provinces. Entomological Knowledge 20(6): 247-251.
6708 Girolami, V. and P. Camporese. 1994 Prima moltiplicazione in Europa di Neodryinus typhlocybae su Metcalfa pruinosa. In: Atti XVII Congresso Nazionale Italano di Entomologia, Udine, Giugno. Pp. 655-658.
2049 Heong, K.L., S. Bleih, and E.G. Rubia. 1991 Prey preference of the wolf spider, Pardosa pseudoannulata (Boesenberget Strand). Researches on Population Ecology 33(2): 179-186.
7334 Huang, S.S., F.K. Huang, S.Z. Luo, S.M. Wei, Q. Li. 2001 Prevention and cure of rice planthopper by 25% of Aketai. Guangxi Agricultural Sciences 32(2): 70-72.
5780 Sogawa, K., G. Liu, G. and Q. Qiang. 2009 Prevalence of whitebacked planthoppers in Chinese hybrid rice and whitebacked planthopper resistance in Chinese japonica rice. In: K.L. Heong and B. Hardy, (eds.). Planthoppers: new threats to the sustainability of intensive rice production systems in Asia. International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Philippines Pp. 257-280. pdf
2301 Hughes, D.P., J. Kathirithamby and L. Beani. 2004 Prevalence of the parasite Strepsiptera in adult Polistes wasps: field collections and literature overview. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 16: 363-375. pdf
11057 Trivellone, V., M. Jermini, J. Jovic, T. Cvrkovic, M. Jakovljevic, A. Kosovac, O. Krstic, I. Tosevski, and M. Mitrovic. 2016 Prevalence of stolbur phytoplasma in leafhoppers and planthoppers collected in vineyard, corn and potato fields and their surroundings in Switzerland. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 66(1): 22-23. pdf
5374 Nakamura, Y., S. Kawai, F. Yukuhiro, S. Ito, T. Gotoh, R. Kisimoto, T. Yanase, T., Y. Matsumoto, D. Kageyama, and H. Noda. 2009 Prevalence of Cardinium Bacteria in Planthoppers and Spider Mites and Taxonomic Revision of "Candidatus Cardinium hertigii" Based on Detection of a New Cardinium Group from Biting Midges. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75: 6757-6763. pdf
12250 Pierro, R., A. Passera, A. Panattoni, D. Rizzo, L. Stefani, L. Bartolini, P. Casati, A. Luvisi, F. Quaglino and A. Materazzi. 2018 Prevalence of a ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ strain, so far associated only with other hosts, in Bois Noir-affected grapevines within Tuscan vineyards. Annals of Applied Biology 73: 202–212. pdf
14922 Rinklef, A., S.C. Behrmann, D. Löffler, J. Erner, M.V. Meyer, C. Lang, A. Vilcinskas, and K.Z. Lee. 2024 Prevalence in potato of ‘Candidatus Arsenophonus Phytopathogenicus’ and ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani’and their transmission via adult Pentastiridius leporinus. Insects 15(4): 275; 1-9. pdf
2031 Held, T., M.L. Zoratti, and G. Vorwohl. 2003 Presenza naturale di destrine nella melata di Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Homoptera, Flatidae). Apicoltore Moderno 88(4): 175-182.
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