Planthopper Bibliography Database
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196 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
600 | Chen, Y.X., et al. 1987 Preliminary Observations on Habits of Planthoppers Dryinid Wasp in the East of Guizhou Province. Entomological Knowledge 24(4): 237-239. |
5872 | Chen, Y.X . 1987 Preliminary observations on habits of Dryinid wasp of planthoppers in the east of Guizhou Province. Insect Knowledge 24(4): 237-239. [Chinese with English abstract] |
2643 | Kuniata, L.S., G.R. Young, E. Pais, P. Jones, and H. Nagaraja. 1994 Preliminary observations on Eumetopina sp. (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) as a vector of Ramu stunt disease of sugarcane in Papua New Guinea. Australian Journal of Entomology 33 (2): 185-186. pdf |
2794 | Li, H. 1988 Preliminary observations on Entomophthora delphacis. International Rice Research Newsletter 13(3): 41. pdf |
5584 | Dery, S.K., R. Philippe,and D. Mariau. 1995 Preliminary observations on Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera), suspected vectors of Cape St Paul Wilt disease in Ghana. In: Proceeding of an International Workshop on Lethal Yellowing-Like diseases of Coconut, Elmina, Ghana, November. Chatham, UK: Natural Resources Institute. Pp. 269-276. |
8638 | Zhou, Z.M. 1987 Preliminary observation on the identification of rice varieties for resistance to the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal). Insects Knowledge 24(3): 129-132. |
8421 | Shi, J.P. 1992 Preliminary observation on the characters of the whiteback planthopper in hybrid rice. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 19(2): 236,242. |
5333 | Shi, J.B. and H.Z. Lei. 1992 Preliminary observation on the character of the whitebacked planthopper biology in inbred and hybrid rice. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 19: 236-242.[Chinese with English summary] |
9003 | Boyce, S.W., W.R. Boyce, E.E. Chamberlain, R.A. Cumber, P.R. Fry, E.F. Matthews, F.J. Newhook, and K. Strzemienski. 1951 Preliminary note on yellow-leaf disease of Phormium. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, section A: 33: 76–77. pdf |
4322 | Tao, L.Y., X.P. Yu, and G.R. Wu. 1992 Preliminary monitoring the biotypes of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens Stal in China. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 25(3): 9-13. pdf |
14044 | Lombardo, L., P. Rizzo, C. Novellis, and V. Vizzarri. 2021 Preliminary molecular survey of the possible presence of Xylella fastidiosa in the Upper Ionian Coasts of Calabria, Italy, through the capture and analysis of its main vector insects. Insects 12(5): 446; 1-8. [Latilica tunetana] |
6831 | Li, R.B. L. Li, S.M. Wei, Y.P. Wei, Y.Z. Chen, D.L. Bai L. Yang, F.K. Huang, W.L. Lu, X.J. Zhang, X.Y. Li, X.Q. Yang Y.W. Wei. 2006 Preliminary mapping the genes conferring resistant to brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) in rice. Molecular Plant Breeding (published online as Molecular Entomology 2010) 4(3): 365-371. pdf |
4528 | Vilbaste, J. 1974 Preliminary list of Homoptera - Cicadinea of Latvia and Lithuania. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences-Biology/Ecology [Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised] 23(2): 131-162. [English] pdf |
2902 | Lodos, N. and A. Kalkandelen. 1988 Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey. XXVII. (Addenda and Corrigenda). Turkiye Bitki Koruma Dergisi 12(1): 11-22. pdf |
2901 | Lodos, N. and A. Kalkandelen. 1981 Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey. 5. Families Flatidae, Ricaniidae and Cicadidae. Turkiye Bitki Koruma Dergisi 5(2): 67-82. pdf |
2900 | Lodos, N. and A. Kalkandelen. 1981 Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey. 4. Family Issidae Spinola. Turkiye Bitki Koruma Dergisi 5(1): 5-21. pdf |
2899 | Lodos, N. and A. Kalkandelen. 1980 Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey. 3. Families Meenoplidae, Derbidae, Achilidae, Dictyopharidae and Tettigometridae. Turkiye Bitki Koruma Dergisi 4(3): 161-176. pdf |
2898 | Lodos, N. and A. Kalkandelen. 1980 Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey. 2. Family Delphacidae Leach. Turkiye Bitki Koruma Dergisi 4(2): 103-117. pdf |
2897 | Lodos, N. and A. Kalkandelen. 1980 Preliminary list of Auchenorrhyncha with notes on distribution and importance of species in Turkey. 1. Family Cixiidae Spinola. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi 4(1): 15-27. pdf |
4957 | Zenner, G., M. Stockmann and R. Niedringhaus. 2005 Preliminary key to the nymphs of the families and subfamilies of the German Auchenorrhyncha fauna. Beitrage zur Zikadenkunde 8: 59-78. pdf |
4519 | Vilbaste, J. 1968 Preliminary key for the identification of the nymphs of North European Homoptera Cicadina. I. Delphacidae. Annales Entomologici Fennici 34(2): 63-74. pdf |
832 | Cruttwell, R.E. 1973 Preliminary investigations on some insects causing minor damage to water hyacinth, Eicchornia crassipes. Report West Indian Station, CIBC. - |
4847 | Wu, Z.Q., R. Wei, and D.Q. Xie. 1987 Preliminary investigations of bionomics of eggs of three dominant species of homopterous rice pests and their egg parasitism. Journal of Fujian Agricultural College 16(4): 299-305. |
12446 | Sann, C., F. Wemheuer, A. Beaurepaire, R. Daniel, S. Erler and S. Vidal. 2018 Preliminary investigation of species diversity of rice hopper parasitoids in Southeast Asia. Insects 9: 19; 1-12. doi:10.3390/insects9010019. (ePub Article #19, 12 pp.) pdf |
261 | Bartlett, C.R. and J.L. Bowman. 2004 Preliminary Inventory of the Planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S.A. Entomological News 114(5): 246-254. pdf |