Planthopper Bibliography Database
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198 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
5558 | Puinean, A.M., I. Denholm, N.S. Millar, R. Nauen, and M.S. Williamson. 2010 Characterisation of imidacloprid resistance mechanisms in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 97(2 Special Issue): 129-132. pdf |
11378 | Pugh, C.V., E.J. Williams, and G.P. Setliff. 2015 Survey for the invasive spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (White) (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) on forty tree species in southeastern Pennsylvania. Conference: Entomological Society of America, At Minneapolis, Minnesota. Poster. poster pdf |
3700 | Pugalenthi, P. and D. Livingstone. 1993 Impact of temperature on the development of eggs of Eurybrachys tomentosa Fabr. (Homoptera: Eurybrachidae). Journal of Entomological Research (New Delhi) 17(4): 251-256. |
14775 | Puch-Hau, C., L. Sáenz-Carbonell, I. Córdova-Lara, G. Nic-Matos, B. Pérez-Garfias, M. Quintanilla-Mena, C. Oropeza-Salín, I. Oros-Ortega, I. Pat-Aké, and L.A. Lara-Pérez. 2022 Bacterial microbiota in Haplaxius crudus negative and positive to ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma palmae’presence. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes 12(2): 92-104. |
9743 | Pu, L.L., G.H. Xie, C.Y. Ji, B. Ling, M.X. Zhang, D.L. Xu, and G.H. Zhou. 2012 Transmission characteristics of Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus by rice planthoppers. Crop Protection 41: 71-76. pdf |
12857 | PU, Jian, Zinan WANG, and Henry CHUNG. 2020 Climate change and the genetics of insecticide resistance. Pest Management Science 76(3): 846-852. (PrePRINT 2019) [Laodelphax striatellus, Nilaparvata lugens] |
12441 | Pu, Jian, Haina Sun, Jinda Wang, Min Wu, Kangxu Wang, I. Denholm and Zhaojun Han. 2016 Multiple cis–acting elements involved in up-regulation of a cytochrome P450 gene conferring resistance to deltamethrin in small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus (Fallen). Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 78: 20-28. |
9004 | Pu, G.Q., J.P. Mao, G.S. Xue, D.Y. Jiang, J. Wang, and S.S. Tan. 2009 Checklist of Mulberry Pests in China (VII). Acta Sericologica Sinica 35(1): 126-131. |
111 | Procter, W. 1946 The insecrt fauna with reference to methods of capture, foodpalnts, the flora and other biological features. Biological Survey Mt. Desert region Inc. Part VII. 446 p. pdf |
8349 | Priyanto, B.E., M. Iman, and K.M. Hasibuan. 1991 Life tables of brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens Stal, constructed under laboratory using Pelita I/1, Cisadane and PB 36 rice varieties as hosts. Penelitian Pertanian 11(1): 48-54.[Indonesian] |
14060 | Priyadarshini, S., V.J. Lakshmi, M.S. Madhav, B. Rajeswari, and C. Srinivas. 2021 Non-preference mechanism of resistance to brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) population of Mahbubnagar, Telangana in rice genotypes. Journal of Experimental Zoology, India 24(2): 1811-1817. pdf |
13329 | Prisniy, A.V., M.N. Tsurikov, E.A. Snegin, A.Yu. Sokolov, A.S. Shapovalov, and A. Prisniy. 2017 Materials for the second edition of red book of the Belgorod region. The plants, lichens, fungi and animals that are recommended for inclusion into the lists of protected species 5. Animals section. Scientific Statements of the Belgorod State University, Series: Natural Sciences 38(4): (253); 49-67. [Brachyceps laetus, Caliscelis affinis, Falcidiopsis kirgizorum (Kervillea kirgisorum), Scorlupella montana, Metropis mayri, Tchurtchurnella eugeniae] pdf |
8901 | Prior, R.N.B.; T. Solulu, S. Laup, and P.Gende. 2001 Finschhafen coconut disorder in some tree crops in Papua New Guinea. Science in New Guinea 26(1/2/3): 61-64. |
7680 | Pricop, Emilian. 2009 Preliminary studies of the Mymaridae (Hym., Chalcidoidea) from Neamț county, Romania, species distribution, vascular flora/vegetation, an ecological approach. Advances in Environmental Sciences 1(1): 13-30. pdf |
3699 | Price, P.W., C.E. Bouton, P. Gross, B.A. McPheron, J.N Thompson., and A.E. Weis, 1980 Interactions among three trophic levels: Influence of plants on interactions between insect herbivores and natural enemies. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 11: 41-65. |
3698 | Price, P.W. 1983 Hypothesis on organization and evolution in herbivorous insect communities. In: R.F. Denno and M.S. McClure, (eds.). Variable plants and herbivores in natural and managed systems. Academic Press, New York. Pp. 559-596 |
5726 | Price, D.R.G., H.S. Wilkinson, and J.A. Gatehouse. 2007 Functional expression and characterisation of a gut facilitative glucose transporter, NIHT1, from the phloem-feeding insect Nilaparvata lugens (rice brown planthopper). Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 37: 1138–1148. pdf |
5976 | Price, D.R., J. Du, A. Dinsmore, and J.A. Gatehouse. 2004 Molecular cloning and immunolocalization of a diuretic hormone receptor in rice brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens). Insect Molecular Biology 13(5): 469-480. pdf |
3696 | Prestidge, RA. and S. McNeill. 1983 Auchenorrhyncha-host plant interachtions: leafhoppers and grasses. Ecological Entomology 8: 331-339. |
3697 | Prestidge, RA. and S. McNeill. 1983 The role of nitrogen in the ecology of grassland Auchenorrhyncha. In: J.A. Lee, S. McNeill, and I.H. Rorison, (eds.). Nitrogen as an ecological factor. Blackwell, Oxford. Pp. 257-281 |
3695 | Prestidge, R.A. 1982 The infulence of nitrogenous fertilizer on the grassland Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera). Journal of Applied Ecology 19: 735-749. |
3694 | Prestidge, R. A. 1982 Instar duration, adult consumption, oviposition and nitrogen utilization of leafhoppers feeding on different quality food (Auchenorrhyncha: Homoptera). Ecological Entomology 7: 91-101. |
6439 | Presello, D.A. A. Costamagna, L. Conci, A.M.M. de Remes Lenicov, F.A. Guzmán, and P. Herrera. 1997 Mal de Río Cuarto del maíz. Estudio de la capacidad vectora de las poblaciones de Toya propinqua presentes en el área de Pergamino. In: Actas VI Congreso Nacional de Maíz I Sec. II. Pp. 1-5. |
13868 | Premachandran, K., T.S. Srinivasan, and C.R.W. Alphonse. 2021 In silico approach on sequential and structural variability in oryzacystatin and its interaction with cysteine protease enzymes of insect. Phytochemistry 186: 112728. [Nilaparvata lugens] |
3693 | Preisler, J. and P. Lauterer, P. 2003 Some new species of planthoppers and leafhoppers for the Czech Republic and Slovakia (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Beiträge zur Zikadenkunde 6: 53-56. pdf |