Planthopper Bibliography Database
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199 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
5560 | Preetha, G., J. Stanley, S. Suresh, and R. Samiyappan. 2010 Risk assessment of insecticides used in rice on miridbug, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter, the important predator of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.). Chemosphere 80(5): 498–503. pdf |
9328 | Preedasuvan, T. and C.D. Pura. 1973 Ovicidal effect of certain insecticides against the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål. Araneta Research Journal 20: 295-317. |
4037 | Preda, C. and M. Skolka. 2011 Range expansion of Metcalfa pruinosa (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) in Southeastern Europe. Ecologia Balkanica 3(1): 79-87. pdf |
9083 | Preda, C. and M. Skolka. 2009 First record of a new alien invasive species in Constanţa –Metcalfa pruinosa (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). In: C. Păltineanu,(ed.). Lucrările Simpozionului Mediul si agricultura în regiunile aride, Prima ediţie. Bucuresti, Estfalia. Pp. 141-146. pdf |
5913 | Preap,V., M.P. Zalucki, H.J. Nesbitt, and G.C. Jahn. 2001 Effect of fertilizer, pesticide treatment, and plant variety on the realized fecundity and survival rates of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, generating outbreaks in Cambodia. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 4: 75-84. |
5892 | Preap,V., M.P. Zalucki, G.C. Jahn, H.J. Nesbitt. 2002 Establishment of Nilaparvata lugens Stål in rice crop nurseries: a possible source of outbreaks. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 5(1): 75-83. |
9742 | Preap, V., M.P. Zalucki, G.C. Jahn, and H.J. Nesbitt. 2001 Effectiveness of brown planthopper predators: population suppression by two species of spider, Pardosa pseudoannulata (Araneae, Lycosidae) and Araneus inustus (Araneae, Araneidae). Journal Asia-Pacific Entomology 4: 187-193. pdf |
9740 | Preap, V., M.P. Zalucki, and G.C. Jahn. 2002 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and host plant cultivar on fecundity and early instar survival of Nilaparvata lugens Stål: Immediate response. In: The Proceeding of the 4th Inter-country Forecasting System and Management for Brown Planthopper in East Asia Workshop. Guilin, China. Pp. 163-180. |
9741 | Preap, V., M.P. Zalucki, and G.C. Jahn. 2006 Brown planthopper outbreaks and management. Cambodian Journal of Agriculture 7(1): 17-25. pdf |
15213 | Praveen, K., M. E. Hassan, P. C. Saha, S. Kushwaha, A. K. Dubey, S. Dash, J. Lyngdoh, A. Pal, E. Jehamalar, and S. Khanra. 2024 Checklist of fauna of India: Arthropoda: Insecta: Hemiptera. Version 1.0. Zoological Survey of India. Arthropoda: Insecta: Hemiptera. |
6784 | Pratt, G. 2000 Terrestrial Arthropods of Edwards Air Force Base, 1996-1998. Environmental Laboratory, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center,Vicksburg, Mississippi. ERDC/EL TR-00-20 pdf |
14163 | PRATIWI, Liska Diah and Imas CINTAMULYA. 2021 Diversity of insects in Tundung Musuh Conservation Area, Tasikmadu Village, Palang District, Tuban Regency. In: Proceeding of International Conference in Education, Science and Technology. Pp. 292-302. [Sanurus indecora] pdf |
5396 | Prates, P.H.S. Jr. and G.S. Carvalho. 2002 Issíneos no Rio Grande do SUl (Hemiptera, Fulgomorpha, Isiidae). Biocências 10(1): 85-105. pdf |
12440 | Prashant, S.T, Chandrashekharaiah, N.L. Naveena and Mallikarjun. 2012 Incidence of Brown Planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens Stal. (Delphacidae: Hemiptera) in relation to age of the Rice Crop. International Journal of Agricultural Science 3: 197-200. pdf |
10143 | Prasannakumar, N.R., S. Chander, R.N. Sahoo, and V.K. Gupta. 2013 Assessment of brown planthopper, (Nilaparvata lugens (Stål)), damage in rice using hyperspectral remote sensing. International Journal of Pest Management 59(3): 180-188. |
10387 | Prasannakumar, N.R., S. Chander, and R.N. Sahoo. 2014 Characterization of brown planthopper damage on rice crops through hyperspectral remote sensing under field conditions. Phytoparasitica 42(3): 387-395. DOI: 10.1007/s12600-013-0375-0. |
9739 | Prasannakumar, N.R., S. Chander, and M. Pal. 2012 Assessment of impact of climate change with reference to elevated CO2 on rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) and crop yield. Current Science 103(10): 1201-1205. |
10292 | Prasannakumar, N.R., C. Subhash, and R.N. Sahoo. 2013 Spectral signatures of rice crop damaged by brown planthopper under field and glass house conditions. Current Biotica 7(3): 124-133. pdf |
10386 | Prasannakumar, N.R. and S. Chander. 2014 Weather-based brown planthopper prediction model at Mandya, Karnataka. Journal of Agrometeorology 16(1): 126-129. |
9327 | Prasada Rao, U., M.B. Kalode, T.E. Srinivasan, and D.V. Seshu. 1977 Resistance to brown planthopper in rice. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 37(3): 453-456. |
3692 | Prasad, V.G. 1992 Detailed description of the different forms of sugarcane leaf-hopper Pyrilla perpusilla Walker occurring in India with an addition and description of a new variety Pyrilla perpusilla var nigriventris nov. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of India 13: 1-52. |
14352 | Prasad, R.B., I.C. Pasalu, N.B. Thammi, and N.R.G. Verma. 2003 Influence of nitrogen and rice varieties on population buildup of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). Journal of Entomological Research 27(2): 167-170. |
6679 | Prasad, R., S.T. Prabhu and R.A. Balikai. 2010 Incidence of white backed plant hopper on rice and its predators under rainfed ecosystems and their correlation with weather parameters. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1(4): 322-326. pdf |
8346 | Prakash, K.S. and B.G. Prakash. 1987 Effect of nitrogen source and insect control on growth of a ratoon crop. International Rice Research Newsletter 12(3): 41-42. pdf |
8884 | Prakash, B.M. and H.P. Puttaraju. 2006 Wolbachia endosymbiont in some insect pests of sericulture. Current Science 90(12) 1671-1674. pdf |