Planthopper Bibliography Database
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233 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
381 | Bornholdt, G. 1996 DDie Zikadenfauna unterschiedlich gepflegter Borstgrasrasen und Goldhaferwiesen in der Hohen Rhön. Ber. In: 2nd Auchenorrhyncha-Tagung Sept. 15.-Sept.17.1995 in Marburg. Pp. 5-14. |
471 | Buduca, C., S. Reynaud, D. Lan-Sun-Luk, and F. Molinaro. 1996 Electrical penetration graphs from Peregrinus maidis on a susceptible maize hybrid. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 79(2): 131-139. |
481 | Butlin, R.K. 1996 Co-ordination of the sexual signaling system and the genetic basis of differentiation between populations in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Heredity 77(4): 369-377. |
537 | Catindig, J.L.A., A.T. Barrion, and J.A. Litsinger. 1996 Plant host range and life history of the corn delphacid, Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Asia Life Sciences 5(1): 34-46. |
632 | Cheng, C.L. and C.T. Yang. 1996 Antennal sensory plaque organs of Fulgoridae (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Chinese Journal of Entomology 16(3): 187-207. pdf |
741 | Clay, K. 1996 Interactions among fungal endophytes, grasses and herbivores. Researches on Population Ecology 38: 191-201. |
796 | Cook, A.A. 1996 The host plants of calcareous grassland Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 132: 151-175. |
828 | Cronin, J.T. and D.R. Strong. 1996 Genetics of oviposition success of a thelytokous fairyfly parasitoid, Anagrus delicatus. Heredity 76(1): 43-54. |
849 | Dai, H., X. Song and X. Wu. 1996 Ultrastructure of spermatozoa from BPH: Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University [Nanjing Nongye Daxue Xuebao] 19(2): 109-111. |
850 | Dai, H., Y. Yang and X. Wu . 1996 Adult emergence rhythm of brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Homptera [Homoptera]: Delphacidae). Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University [Nanjing Nongye Daxue Xuebao] 19(3): 117-118. |
877 | Dejean, A., P.R. Ngnegueu, and T. Bourgoin. 1996 Trophobiosis between ants and Peregrinus maidis (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae). Sociobiology 28(1): 111-120. |
963 | Denno, R.F., G. K. Roderick, M.A. Peterson, A.F. Huberty, H.G. Dobel, M.D. Eubanks, J.E. Losey, and G.A. Langellotto. 1996 Habitat persistence underlies intraspecific variation in the dispersal strategies of planthoppers. Ecological Monographs 66(4): 389-408. |
976 | Remes-Lenicov, A.M.M. de. 1996 The genus Dicranotropis Fieber, 1866, in Argentina and Chile. (Insecta: Homoptera: Delphacidae). Acta Entomologica Chilena 20: 123-128. pdf |
981 | Remes-Lenicov, A.M.M. de and E.G. Virla. 1996 Description of preimaginal stages of Delphacodes haywardi and notes about its behavior under laboratory conditions (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 55(1-4): 165-174. |
1120 | Dmitriev, D.A. 1996 Ecological and zoogeographical groups in the fauna of Cicadinea (Homoptera) of Voronezh Province. In: Biologicheskie problemy ustoichivogo razvitiya prirodnykh ekosistem. Tez. dokl. Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. Voronezh, 11-13 sent. 1996 g. Voronezh, Voronezh State University, Part 1. abstract [Russian] |
1161 | Dolling, W.R. 1996 The identity of Cimex aequinoctialis Scopoli (Hem., Delphacidae). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 132(1580-83): 49-50. pdf |
1221 | Dunn, G.A. 1996 Insects of the Great Lake Region. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan. - pdf |
1256 | Ellenberg, H. 1996 Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen in ökologischer Sicht. Ulmer, Stuttgart. - |
1347 | Emeljanov, A.F. 1996 A new genus of the family Delphacidae (Homoptera, Cicadina) from the Steppe Regions of the Palaearctics. Vestnik Zoologii (1995) 2–3: 86–88. [In Russian] pdf |
1351 | Emeljanov, A.F. 1996 The new taxa of the tribe Pentastirini (Homoptera, Cixiidae) from Palaearctic. Entomological Review 75(5): 129-145. [Translation of Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 1995 74(9): 73-89 from Russian]. pdf |
1352 | Emeljanov, A.F. 1996 On the system and phylogeny of the family Derbidae (Homoptera, Cicadina). Entomological Review 75(2): 70-100. [English translation of Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 1994 73(4): 783-811 from Russian] pdf |
1354 | Emeljanov, A.F. 1996 A new genus, Chirodisca gen. n., and new subgenera of the genus Aphelonema Uhl. (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea, Issidae). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 75(4): 834-835. [In Russian, English transaltion in Entomological Review 1996 76(8): 993-994]. |
1355 | Emeljanov, A.F. 1996 A new genus, Chirodisca gen. n., and new subgenera of the genus Aphelonema Uhl. (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea, Issidae). Entomological Review 76(8): 993-994. [English translation of Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 1996 75(4): 834-835 from Russian] |
1356 | Emeljanov, A.F. 1996 First record of Hyalesthes mlokosiewiczi Signoret from Middle Asia and some other new data on its distribution (Homoptera: Cixiidae). Zoosystematica Rossica 5(1): 28. |
1357 | Emeljanov, A.F. 1996 On the question of the classification and phylogeny of the Delphacidae (Homoptera, Cicadina), with reference to larval characters. Entomological Review 75(9): 134-150. [In Russian, English translation of Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie (1995) 74(4): 780-794]. pdf |