College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
7349 Yang, L.M., Z.C. Chen, H.L. Bao, and Z.H. Zhong. 1995 Studies on the natural population dynamlcs of rice planthoppers and their chemical control techniques. Plant Protection 21(1): 11-14. pdf
7773 Catindig, J.L.A., A.T. Barrion, and J.A. Litsinger. 1995 Evaluation of rice, maize, and 56 ricefield weeds as hosts of planthopper Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead). International Rice Research Notes 20(3): 25-26. pdf
7774 Catindig, J.L.A., A.T. Barrion, and J.A. Litsinger. 1995 Suitability of ricefield plants to planthopper Nisia carolinensis Fennah. International Rice Research Notes 20(3): 27. pdf
7776 Chang, Y.D. 1995 Studies on the natural enemy complex of plant-leafhoppers and their host relationship in rice paddy. Research Reports of Agricultural Science and Technology- Chungnam National University 12(2): 253-259.
7850 Deng, Y.C. 1995 The relation between malathion resistance and esterases in brown planthopper. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences 8(4): 74-78.
7920 Hiremath, I.G., Y.J. Ahn, S.I. Kim, B.R. Choi, and J.R. Cho. 1995 Insecticidal and acaricidal activities of African plant extracts against the brown planthopper and two-spotted spider mite. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 34(3): 200-205.
7927 Hu, G.W. 1995 Potential causal factors for the outbreak of the rice planthoppers in Wuling Mountainous Area, China. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences 8(2): 53-60.
8000 Iitomi, A. 1995 Oviposition site of Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) on rice plant in northern Japan. Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan 46: 111-114.
8019 Jeyaraj, R., T. Thangaraj, S. Ravisankar, M. Rabeeth, and M. Aruchami. 1995 Efficiency of a natural biocontrol agent for brown planthopper. International Rice Research Notes 20(2): 21. pdf
8165 Le, T.S. 1995 Screening local varieties for resistance to whitebacked planthopper Sogatella furcifera in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. International Rice Research Notes 20(1): 14-15. pdf
8183 Li, G.Q., Y.C. Wang, Z.J. Han, and Z.Y. Gu. 1995 The influence of resistant rice variety NJ14 on orientation and multiplication of brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.). Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University 18(4): 46-51. pdf
8192 Lin, H.F. 1995 On the functional response of Cyrtorhinus lividipennis to the eggs of white-backed rice planthopper. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica 22(3): 198-204.
8193 Lin, K.M.,Y.X. He, and D.Y. Gan. 1995 The effects of two rice resistant sources and their new breeding varieties on the biological characters of brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal). Entomological Journal of East China 4(2): 99-102.
8215 Lu, Z.Q., L.F. Chen, and Z.J. Ji. 1995 Preliminary studies on repress factor of nematode Amphimermis sp. parasitic on planthopper. Entomological Journal of East China 4(2): 65-69.
8218 Luong, M.C. and L.P.T. Nguyen. 1995 Preliminary studies on the spread of rice ragged stunts disease caused by brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal). Nong Nghiep Cong Nghiep Thuc Pham 1995(4): 143-144.
8228 Maceljski, M., E. Kocijancic and J. Igrc-Barcic. 1995 Medeći cvrčak Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) - novi štetnik u Hrvatskoj. [Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) - a new insect pest in Croatia.] Fragmenta Phytomedica et Herbologica 23(2): 69–76.
8236 Matsuda, M., T. Fujimura, and Y. Koshimeguri. 1995 Relation between the low-level jet stream and immigration of the white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horvath), into Aomori prefecture, northern Honshu of Japan. Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan 46: 115-122.
8247 Miyake, T. and T. Mitsui. 1995 Multiple physiological activity of an anti-juvenile hormone, precocene 2 on the whitebacked rice planthopper. Journal of Pesticide Science 20(1): 17-24. pdf
8275 Narayanasamy, P., A. Ramesh, V. Ambethgar, and M. Gunasekaran. 1995 Infection and extracellular chitinase activity of Pandora delphacis associated with the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Cytobios 84(337): 111-125.
8296 Noda, H. and N. Nakashima. 1995 Non-pathogenic reoviruses of leafhoppers and planthoppers. Seminars in Virology 6(2): 109-116. pdf
8297 Noda, H., N. Nakashima, and M. Koizumi. 1995 Phylogenetic position of yeast-like symbiotes of rice planthoppers based on partial 18S rDNA sequences. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 25(5): 639-646. 25(5): 639-646. pdf
8343 Powell, K.S., A.M.R. Gatehouse, V.A. Hilder, E.J.M. Damme, W.J. Van, Peumans, J. Boonjawat, K. Horsham, and J.A. Gatehouse. 1995 Different antimetabolic effects of related lectins towards nymphal stages of Nilaparvata lugens. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 75(1): 61-65.
8353 Qi, L.Z. and J.H. Ding. 1995 Determination on accuracy of the plant-flapping method to investigate the population of brown planthopper in rice. Entomological Knowledge 32(2): 69-72.
8356 Qian, H.L. 1995 A study on the control threshold of brown rice planthopper based on the morphology of the damaged rice plants. Plant Protection 21(2): 31-32.
8374 Riley, J.R., D.R. Reynolds, S. Mukhopadhyay, M.R. Ghosh, and T.K. Sarkar. 1995 Long-distance migration of aphids and other small insects in northeast India. European Journal of Entomology 92(4): 639-653. pdf
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