Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
1656 | Frank, J.H. and E.D. McCoy. 1995 Invasive adventive insects and other organisms in Florida. Florida Entomologist 78: 1-15. pdf |
1657 | Frank, J.H. and E.D. McCoy. 1995 Precinctive insect species in Florida. Florida Entomologist 78(1):21-35. pdf |
1666 | Freund, R.L. and S.W. Wilson. 1995 The planthopper genus Acanalonia in the United States (Homoptera: Issidae): male and female genitalic morphology. Insecta Mundi 9(3-4): 195-215. pdf |
1690 | Fu, Q., Z. Zhang, B. Li, and Q. Gao. 1995 The auto-touched hair on dorsal of the trochanter in brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Acta Entomologica Sinica 38(3): 383-384 and separate unpaginated plates. pdf |
1716 | Gatehouse, J.A., K. Powell, and H. Edmonds. 1995 Genetic engineering of rice for resistance to homopteran insect pests. In: International Rice Research Institute. 1996. Rice genetics III. Proceedings of the Third International Rice Genetics Symposium, 16-20 Oct 1995. Manila (Philippines): IRRI. Pp. 189-200 pdf |
1754 | Gillham, M.C. and P.W.F. deVrijer. 1995 Patterns of variation in the acoustic calling signals of Chloriona planthoppers (Homoptera: Delphacidae) coexisting on the common reed Phragmites australis. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 54: 245-269. |
1925 | Hachiya, K. 1995 Egg parasitoid of small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus Fallen (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) in Hokkaido, Japan. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 39(1): 89-90. pdf |
1959 | Hamilton, K.G.A. 1995 Evaluation of leafhoppers and their relatives (Insecta: Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha) as indicators of prairie preserve quality. In: D.C. Hartnett, (ed.). Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual North American Prairie Conference: Prairie Biodiversity. Kansas State University, Manhattan. Pp. 211-226. pdf |
2001 | Hayashi, M. 1995 Discovery of Catullioides albosignatus (Homoptera, Tropiduchidae) from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Japanese Journal of Entomology 63(1): 65-66. pdf |
2054 | Hernandez, M., O. Cabrera, and A.M. Espinoza. 1995 Analisis de la variabilidad genetica de poblaciones de Tagosodes orizicolus (Homoptera: Delphacidae), vector del virus de la Hoja Blanca del Arroz. In: Segundo Congreso Centroamericano y del Caribe Entomologia, Resumenes, San Jose, Costa Rica. P. 18 pdf |
2074 | Hildebrandt, J. 1995 Untersuchungen zur Zikadenfauna (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) einer Ästuarwiese unter dem Einfluß landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung und veränderten Überflutungsgeschehens. Faunistisch-Oekologische Mitteilungen 7: 9-45. |
2163 | Holzinger, W.E. 1995 Bemerkenswerte Zikadenfunde aus Osterreich, 2. Teil (Ins.: Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Linzer Biologische Beiträge 27(2): 1123-1127. |
2164 | Holzinger, W.E. 1995 Zikaden. Auchenorrhyncha. In: C. Wieser, A. Kofler, and P. Mildner, (eds.). Naturführer Sablatnigmoor. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Kärnten, Klagenfurt. Pp. 121-128 |
2199 | Honda, Y. 1995 Classification and forecasting of occurrence of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), in Yamaguchi Prefecture. Proceedings of the Association for Plant Protection of Kyushu 41: 74-77. pdf |
2218 | Hoshizaki, S. and T. Shimada. 1995 PCR-based detection of Wolbachia, cytoplasmic incompatibility microorganisms, infected in natural populations of Laodelphax striatellus (Homoptera: Delphacidae) in central Japan: has the distribution of Wolbachia spread recently? Insect Molecular Biology 4(4): 237-243. |
2289 | Huang, Ju. 1995 Homoptera: Cixiidae. Pp. 53–53 In: Ting-An Zhu, (ed.). Insects and macrofungi of Gutianshan, Zhejiang. Zhejiang Science and Technology Publishing House, Hangzhou. 318 pp. |
5035 | Kajimura, T., K. Fujisaki, and F. Nakasuji. 1995 Effect of organic rice farming on leafhoppers and planthoppers. 2. Amino acid content in the rice phloem sap and survival rate of planthoppers. Applied Entomology and Zoology 30(1): 17-22. pdf |
2371 | Janarthanan, S., M. Rabeeth, and D. Livingstone. 1995 Gross morphology of the female internal reproductive organs of Eurybrachys tomentosa (Fabr.) (Homoptera: Fulgoridae). Phytophaga 7(2): 95-105. |
2372 | Janarthanan, S., M. Krishnan, and D. Livingstone. 1995 Epipyrops eurybrachydis, the ectoparasitoid and Tetrastichus krishnaiahi, the superparasitoid in the biology of the plant pest, Eurybrachys tomentosa (Fab.) (Homoptera: Fulgoridae): a case study. Journal of Entomological Research (New Delhi) 19(1): 49-55. pdf |
2434 | Kajimura, T., I.N. Widiarta, K. Nagai, K. Fujisaki, and F. Nakasuji. 1995 Effect of organic rice farming on planthoppers 4. Reproduction of the white backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera Horvath (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Researches on Population Ecology 5: 219-224. |
2443 | Kamitani, S. 1995 Tropiduchid planthoppers (Tropiduchidae) predated by the Ogasawara honeyeater, Apalopteron familiare hahasima (Aves, Meliphagidae). Rostria 44: 03:00 |
2450 | Kaplin, V.K. 1995 Historical peculiarities of assimilation of overground plant organs by free-living insects (Insecta). Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii 56(3): 346-379. [Russian] |
2559 | Kisimoto, R. and K. Sogawa. 1995 Migration of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens and the white-backed planthopper Sogatella furcifera in east Asia: the role of weather and climate. In: V.A. Drake and A.G. Gatehouse, (eds.). Insect migration: tracking resources through space and time. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York and Melbourne. 67-91. |
2606 | Koyama, K. 1995 Studies on the nutritional requirements of planthoppers and leafhoppers with development of methods rearing them on artificial diets. Bulletin of the National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences 12: 1-74. pdf |
2632 | Kristensen, N.P. 1995 Forty years' insect phylogenetic systematics: Hennig's "Kritische Bemerkungen" and subsequent developments. Zoologische Beitrage (Neue Folge) 36: 83-124. |