College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
3629 Pedgley, D.E., D.R. Reynolds, and G.M. Tatchell. 1995 Long-range insect migration in relation to climate and weather: Africa and Europe. In: V.A. Drake and A.G. Gatehouse, (eds.). Insect migration: tracking resources through space and time. University Press, Cambridge. Pp. 3-29.
3687 Powell, K.S. A.M.R. Gatehouse, V.A. Hilder, and J.A. Gatehouse. 1995 Antifeedant effects of plant lectins and an enzyme on the adult stage of the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 75(1): 51-59.
3787 Remane, R. 1995 Zur Verbreitung einiger Zikadenarten in Mitteleuropa, insbesondere in der BRD. (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 2(9): 71-75.
3806 Remane, R. and R. Jung. 1995 Beiträge zum Artenbestand der europäischen Kelisiinen (Auchenorrhyncha, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 2(9): 1-70. pdf
3892 Salam, D., H.S. Sekhon, R. Kanwar, Z.S. Dhaliwal, and J.S. Sohal. 1995 Application of a stochastic model for forecasting population of Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker). Journal of Insect Science 8(2): 144-147.
3997 Schuh, R.T. and J.A. Slater. 1995 True Bugs of the World (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) Classification and Natural History. Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca. -
4082 Shufran, K.A. and M.E. Whalon. 1995 Genetic analysis of brown planthopper biotypes using random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR). Insect Science and Its Application 16(1): 27-33.
4130 Sogawa, K. 1995 Windborn displacements of the rice planthoppers related to the seasonal weather patterns in Kyushu District. Bulletin of the Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station 28(4): 219-278.
4149 Song, Y.H., T.K. Ha, D.Y. Chung, and KL. Heong-K-L. 1995 The predatory behavior of green mirid bug, Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter, on brown planthopper eggs in different temperature conditions. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 34(3): 234-242. pdf
4154 Sorensen, J.T., B.C. Campbell, R.J. Gill and J.D. Steffen-Campbell. 1995 Non-monophyly of Auchenorrhyncha ("Homoptera"), based upon 18S rDNA phylogeny: eco-evolutionary and cladistic implications within pre-heteropterodea Hemiptera (s.l.) and a proposal for new monophyletic suborders. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 71(1): 31-60.
4188 Stewart, A.J.A. and A.F. Wright. 1995 A new inexpensive suction apparatus for sampling arthropods in grassland. Ecological Entomology 20: 98-102.
4371 Trjapitzin. S. V. and D. R. Strong. 1995 A new Anagrus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), egg parasitoid of Prokelisia spp. (Homoptera: Delphacidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 71(4): 199-203.
4415 Tscharntke, T. and H.-J. Greiler. 1995 Insect communities, grasses, and grasslands. Annual Review of Entomology 40: 535-558.
4481 Vega, F.E., P. Barbosa, H.L. Kuo-Sell, D.B. Fisher, and T.C. Nelsen. 1995 Effects of feeding on healthy and diseased corn plants on a vector and on a non-vector insect. Experientia (Basel) 51(3): 293-299.
4492 Velusamy, R., K.M. Ganesh, and E.Y.S. Johnson-Thangaraj. 1995 Mechanisms of resistance to the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens in wild rice (Oryza spp. ) cultivars. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 74(3) 5: 245-251.
4538 Virla, E.G. 1995 Biologia de Pseudogonatopus chilensis Olmi 1989 (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae). Acta Entomologica Chilena 19: 123-127.
4614 Walter, S. and R. Emmrich. 1995 Kommentiertes vorläufiges Verzeichnis der Zikaden. Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) im Freistaat Sachsen. Mitteilungen der Sächsischen Entomologen 28: 11-23.
4706 White, W. H., T.E. Regan, and O. Sosa, jr. 1995 The sugarcane delphacid (Homoptera: Delphacidae) extends its North American range into Louisiana. Florida Entomologist 78(4): 617-619. pdf
4837 Wu, J.C., J.R. Liang, F.J. Zhang, and Y.L. Ge. 1995 Studies on combined infestations of three insect pests and their effects on grain growth of rice. Acta Entomologica Sinica 38(1): 30-37. pdf
4879 Yang, C.T. and S. Chen. 1995 The origin of the metatibial spur of Delphacidae (Homoptera). Chinese Journal of Entomology 15(3): 271-273. pdf
4918 You, M., and X.A. Pang. 1995 computer simulation model of population dynamics of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. Entomologia Sinica [Insect Science] 2(2): 163-178.
4919 Youn, Y.N. 1995 The effects of light and dark adaptation upon the compound eye of Nilaparvata lugens. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 34(4): 334-343.
4920 Youn, Y.N. 1995 Ultrastructure of the compound eye of the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Delphacidae). Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 34(3): 266-277.
4938 Yuan, R.J. 1995 A study on the occurrence and control tactics of rice planthopper in Tianzhu Country, Guizhou Province. Entomological Knowledge 32(5): 260-262.
4939 Yudong, C. 1995 Artificial neural network model for prediction of predation of coexistence population complex. Indian Journal of Entomology 57(4): 426-430.
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