College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
8998 O'Brien, L.B. 2000 Tropiduchidae (Fulgoromorpha, Hemiptera), green gems of the forest. In: Abstract book I – XXI-International Congress of Entomology, Brazil, August 20-26, 2000. P. 913. pdf
5483 Liang, Ai-Ping. 1999 Do Achilixiidae belong to the Cixiidae? – evidence from antennal sensilla (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoroidea). In: Abstracts of Talks and Posters of the 10th International Auchenorrhyncha Meeting, Cardiff, Wales, 6-10 September, 1999. Unpaginated.
9637 Lucchi, A. and E. Mazzoni. 1999 Wax glands and cuticular pores in nymphs of Metcalfa pruinosa (Say)(Homoptera Flatidae) a light and scanning electron microscopy study. In: Abstracts of Talks and Posters of the 10th International Auchenorrhyncha Meeting, Cardiff, Wales, 6-10 September, 1999. P. 94.
156 Asche, M. 2002 Out of Africa: the Delphacidae of the Afrotropical Region – current status of our knowledge and perspectives (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha). In: Abstracts of Talks and Posters, 11th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, 5-9 August 2002 Potsdam/Berlin, Germany. Pp. ?
2169 Holzinger, W.E. 1999 Trirhacus (Cixiidae) and related genera - a preliminary survey. In: Abstracts of the 10th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Cardiff, Wales P. 13.
2194 Holzinger, W.E., T. Bourgoin, B.C. Campbell K. L. Chan. and I. Kammerlander. 2002 New data of the phylogeny of Cixiidae. In: Abstracts of the 11th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, Potsdam, Germany. P. 9.
2192 Holzinger, W.E., I. Kammerlander, T. Bourgoin, K. L. Chan and B. Campbell. 2001 Towards a phylogeny of the Cixiidae (Fulgoromorpha) and its major subgroups: preliminary results. In: Abstracts of the 2nd European Hemiptera Congress, Fiesa, Slovenia. Pp. 19. pdf
8988 Popa, V. and A. Popa. 2001 New Auchenorrhyncha species for the fauna of Romania. In: Abstracts of the 2nd European Hemiptera Congress, Fiesa, Slovenia. P. 33. pdf
8989 Seljak, G. 2001 Non-European Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) and their geographical distribution in Slovenia In: Abstracts of the 2nd European Hemiptera Congress, Fiesa, Slovenia. P. 34. pdf
1960 Hamilton, K.G.A. 1996 Are bugs endangered? In: Abstracts, 23rd Natural Areas, 15th North American Prairie and Indiana Dunes Ecosystems Conferences. Pp. 39-40
637 Cheng, J.A., X.P. Yu, and J.M. Chen, J.M. 2000 Movements of planthoppers and their natural enemies between habitats and rice ecosystem. In: Abstracts, XXI International Congress of Entomology, Brazil, August 20-26, 2000. Abstract 0145
5835 Krishnaiah, N.V., V. Jhansi Lakshmi, I.C. Pasalu , G. Katti, and Y. Kondala Rao. 2006 Insecticide resistance development in brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål) populations in east Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. In: Abstracts: 26th International Rice Research Conference, 9-13 October 2006. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Dehli. Pp. 424-425.
6435 Giorda, L.M.; J.A. Ornaghi, G.T. Boito, and G.J. March. 1993 Identificación del vector del virus causal del Mal de Río Cuarto en sorgo y estudios poblacionales de Delfácidos. Pp. 49-50 In: Actas del Workshop Mal de Río Cuarto del Maíz, 23-25 junio. Córdoba, Argentina. In: Actas del Workshop Mal de Río Cuarto del Maíz, 23-25 junio. Córdoba, Argentina. Pp. 49-50.
9136 Silva, L., J. Tavares, and C.W. Smith. 1999 Difficulties on the biological control of Macaronesian invaders. Pp. 110-116 In: Actas do 1st Encontro sobre Invasoras Lenhosas. PCF/ADERE. Gerês. In: Actas do 1º Encontro sobre Invasoras Lenhosas. SPCF/ADERE. Gerês. Pp. 110-116. pdf
9510 Grilli, M.P. and D.E. Gorla. 1997 Análisis espacio-temporal de la abundancia de Delphacodes kuscheli con apoyo de imágenes satelitales de baja resolución. In: Actas Sexto Congreso Nacional del Maíz. Pergamino Buenos Aires. Pp. 51-57.
6439 Presello, D.A. A. Costamagna, L. Conci, A.M.M. de Remes Lenicov, F.A. Guzmán, and P. Herrera. 1997 Mal de Río Cuarto del maíz. Estudio de la capacidad vectora de las poblaciones de Toya propinqua presentes en el área de Pergamino. In: Actas VI Congreso Nacional de Maíz I Sec. II. Pp. 1-5.
6441 Remes-Lenicov, A.M.M. de, S. Paradell, E. Virla, G. Varela, A. Costamagna, and R. Mariani. 1997 Cicadélidos y Delfácidos perjudiciales a cultivos de maíz en la República Argentina (Insecta-Homoptera). In: Actas VI Congreso Nacional de Maíz. Pp. 58-69
6433 Brentassi, E. and A.M.M. de Remes Lenicov. 1997 Comportamiento alimentario del vector del «Mal de Río Cuarto del maíz», Delphacodes kuscheli Fennah. Insecta. Homoptera. Delphacidae. In: Actas VI Congreso Nacional del Maíz I Secc II Pp. 46-50.
6484 Brentassi, M.E. and A.M.M. de Remes Lenicov. 2006 Actividad alimentaria del vector del ‘‘Mal de Río Cuarto del maíz’’, Delphacodes kuscheli, sobre hojas de maı´z y avena. (Insecta: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae). In: Actas VIII Congreso Nacional de Maíz -Santa Fe. Pp. 292-295.
8578 Yamasaki, M., A. Yoshimura and H. Yasui. 2003 Mapping of a gene ovicidal to whitebacked planthopper Sogatella furcifera Horváth in rice. In: Advances in Rice Genetics. Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, 22-27 October 2000. Pp. 272-274.
9786 Sforza, R. 2008 Especes invasives en viticulture. In: AFPP - 8ème Conférence Internationale sur les Ravageurs en Agriculture Montpellier - 22 ET 23 Octobre 2008. Pp. 535-546. pdf
14119 KAREEMEE, Rungnapa, and Weerawan AMORNSAK. 2016 The effect of host-egg age of Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) on oviposition by the parasitoid Anagrus flaveolus (Waterhouse) (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae)[Conference poster]. In: Agricultural Innovation for Global Value Chain, Proceedings of 54th Kasetsart University Annual Conference, 2-5 February 2016, Kasetsart University, Thailand. Pp. 293-298.
12757 Hafizal, M.M. and A. B. Idris. 2013 Field population abundance of leafhopper (Homoptera: Cicadelidae) and planthopper (Homoptera: Delphacidae) as affected by rice growth stages. In: AIP Conference Proceedings 1571 Pp. 359-362. pdf
9045 Glavendekić, M. and L. Mihajlovi. 2007 Citrus flatid planthopper Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Hemiptera: Flatidae) and locust gall midge Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldeman) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) new invasive alien species in Serbia. In: Alien arthropods in South East Europe – crossroad of three continents. University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria. Pp. 5-9.
8736 Quadri, M.A.H. and S.A. Aziz. 1950 On Indian types: biology, life history and internal anatomy of Pyrilla perpusilla Wlk. In: Aligarh Muslim University Publisher, India. Pp: 23–38.
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