Planthopper Bibliography Database
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253 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
9141 | Borodin, O.I. 2010 НОВЫЕ ДАННЫЕ ПО ЦИКАДОВЫМ (HOMOPTERA, AUCHENORRHYNCHA) ОШМЯНСКОЙ ВОЗВЫШЕННОСТИ (БЕЛАРУСЬ). [New data cycads (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) Oshmyansko Hills (Belarus).] In: All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists, Biodiversity of Animals section. Pp. 18-19. pdf |
9603 | Leao Veiga, A.F.S.O. 1977 O parasitismo de ovos de cigarrinha do milho, Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead) por Anagrus flaveolus Waterhouse, 1913 (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) em Pernambuco, Brazil. In: Anais do 4th Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, realizado de 6 a 11 de fevereiro de 1977, SEB,. Goiânia, GO. Pp. 96. |
8890 | Zampaulo, R.d.A. and R.L. Ferreira. 2009 Diversidade de invertebrados terrestres cavernícolas em nove cavidades naturais no municìpio de aurora do Tocantins (TO). [Terrestrial cave invertebrate diversity in nine caves in the municipality of aurora do Tocantins (TO).] In: Anais do XXX Congresso Brasileiro de Espeleologia Montes Claros MG, 09-12 de julho de 2009. Pp. 267-274. pdf |
5119 | Calvert, L.A. and R. Meneses. 1999 Output 3. Rice pests and genetics of resistance characterized. C. Rice hoja blanca virus and Tagosodes orizicolus. In: Annual Report 1999, Project IP-4 : Improved Rice Germplasm for Latin America and the Caribbean, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. Cali, Colombia. CIAT. Pp. 77-112 |
9321 | Park, J.S. and J.O. Lee. 1975 Survey on the damage of rice along with the time of hopper migration. In: Annual Report of the Institute Agricultural Science, Office of Rural Development Project, Korea. [Korean] Pp. 92-97. |
7678 | Kudagamage, C. and L. Nugaliyadde. 1984 Development of a virulent form of brown planthopper on a resistant rice variety, Bg 379-2. In: Annual Research Conference Cereal and Grain Legumes. Department of Agriculture, Peradeniya. Pp. 49-50. |
8514 | Tennekoon, B.M., and I.D.R. Peries. 1984 Influence of foliar applications of three pyrethroid insecticides on egg-hatchability of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.). In: Annual Research Conference. Cereals and grain legumes, Department of Agriculture, Research Division. Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. P. 51. |
8472 | Lawanprasert, A., S. Ruay-aree, and S. Tayapat. 2003 Adaptation of brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugen (Stal) for infestation on continuous cultivated rice varieties in the central region. In: Annual Rice Insects Research Report Year 2001-2003, Bangkok, Thailand. Pp. 195-216. pdf |
5362 | Milanesi L., R. Bondavalli, N. Mori, D. Dradi, I. Menozziand A. Bertaccini. 2005 Osservazioni sul vettore del fitoplasma del Legno nero della vite, Hyalesthes obsoletus, in Emilia-Romagna. In: Atti 3rd Incontro Nazionale sulle Malattie da Fitoplasmi, Milano 22-24 giugno. Pp. 36-38. |
6708 | Girolami, V. and P. Camporese. 1994 Prima moltiplicazione in Europa di Neodryinus typhlocybae su Metcalfa pruinosa. In: Atti XVII Congresso Nazionale Italano di Entomologia, Udine, Giugno. Pp. 655-658. |
9153 | Silva, L. and J. Tavares. 1995 Phytophagous insects associated with endemic, macaronesian and exotic plants in the Azores. In: Avances en Entomología Ibérica. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC) y Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Pp. 179-188. pdf |
11771 | Becker-Migdisova, E. E. 1961 Otryad Homoptera. [Order Homoptera]. In: B. B. Rohdendorf, E. E. Becker-Migdisova, O. M. Martynova and A. G. Sharov. Paleozoïskie nasekomye Kuznetskogo basseïna. [Paleozoic insects of the Kuznetsk basin]. Trudy Paleozoologischeskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR 85: 286-393. |
5366 | Moulds, M.S. 2009 Insects of the Fly River system. In: B. Bolton (ed.). The Fly River, Papua New Guinea: environmental studies in an impacted tropical river system. Elsevier: Amsterdam. Chapter 14. Pp. 493-513. |
1528 | Fennah, R.G. 1958 Hemiptera. Homoptera. Fulgoroidea. In: B. Hanstrom, P. Brinck, and G. Rudebeck (eds.). South African Animal Life (Results of the Lund University Expedition in 1950-1951), Volume V. Almqvist and Wiksell. Stockholm, Sweden. Pp. 193-211. pdf |
3664 | Pohl, H. and J. Öhlke. 2003 Verzeichnis der Fächerflügler (Strepsiptera) Deutschlands. Checklist of the Strepsiptera of Germany. In: B. Klausnitzer, (ed.). Entomofauna Germanica 6. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte, Beiheft 8: 273-275. |
9692 | Müller, H.J. and W. Witsack. 2011 Auchenorrhyncha [Cicadina] - Zikaden. In: B. Klausnitzer, (ed.). Exkursionsfauna von Deutschland, Band 2: Wirbellose: Insekten. Volk und Wissen Verlag, Berlin, Germany. Pp. 262-283. |
7952 | Szwedo, J. C. Gębicki, and R. Kulicka. 2001 Subordo Auchenorrhyncha, Homoptera, Alf–Wings (Homopteran bugs).[ Piewiki Auchenorrhyncha, Homoptera, Pluskwiaki równoskrzydłe] [Katalog kolekcji Tadeusza Giecewicza w zbiorach Muzeum Ziemi Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie]. In: B. Kosmowska–Ceranowicz. The Amber treasure Trove. Part I. The Tadeusz Giecewicz ’s collection at the Museum of the Earth, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw P. 48. |
9145 | Posada, F. 1988 Insectos involucrados con la enfermedad pestalotiopsis. [Related insects on the pestalotiopsis disease.] In: B. Ramakrishna, (ed.) 6th Seminario Problemas Fitopatológicos de la Palma Africana. Bucaramanga 21-25 Mar 1988. [Report of the 6th Seminar on the Phytopathological Problems of the African Oil Palm]. Pp. 87-100. |
4211 | Strong, D. R., M.F. Antolin, and S. Rathbun. 1990 Variance and patchiness in rates of population change: a planthopper's case history. In: B. Shorrocks and I.R. Swingland, (eds.). Living in a patchy environment. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Pp. 75-90. |
9057 | Hrnčić, S. 2003. Metcalfa pruinosa Say (Flatidae, Homoptera) nova stetocina u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. In: B. Stojnic, (ed.). Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro) 6th savetovanje o zastiti bilja, Zlatibor (Serbia and Montenegro), 24–28 Nov 2002. P. 97. |
11773 | Becker-Migdisova, E. E. 1962 Otryad Homoptera, otryad Heteroptera [Orders Homoptera and Heteroptera]. In: B.B. Rohdendorf. Osnovy Paleontologii: Chlenistonogie, Trakheïnye i Khelicerovye [Fundamentals of Paleontology: Arthropods, Tracheata and Chelicerata], 98. Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moscow (Russia). Pp. 162-224. |
2247 | Howarth, F. G. 1981 Non-relictual terrestrial troglobites in the tropical Hawaiian caves. In: B.F. Beck, (ed.). Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Speleology, Vol. 1-2. Bowling Green, Kentucy. Pp. 539-541. |
6380 | Chou, I., Y.L. Wang, B.K. Huang, and X.Q. Yuan. 1998 Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Cixiidae. In: B.K. Huang (ed.). Insect Fauna of Fujian Province, Volume II. Science and Technology Press, Fuzhou, China. Pp. 379-382. |
4087 | Shukla, K.K. and A.K. Gupta. 1984 Population studies of small brown plant hopper, Laodelphax striatellus (Fallen), a new insect of rice in India. In: B.K. Tikader, (ed.). High altitude entomology and wildlife ecology. Proceedings of the workshop on high altitude entomology and wildlife ecology held at Solan, Himachal Pradesh on 14-16 June, 1979. Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. Pp. 191-194. |
3827 | Riley, J.R., J. Holt, and D.R. Reynolds. 1990 The role of migration in the pest status of brown planthopper in temperate and tropical areas. In: B.T. Grayson, M.B. Green and L.G. Copping (eds.). Pest Management in Rice. Elsevier for Society for Chemical Industry), London. P.166, Abstract. |