Planthopper Bibliography Database
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265 of 617
Authors Year Title Journal | |
6621 | Azadvar, M. V.K. Baranwal, and D. K. Yadava. 2011 Transmission and detection of toria [Brassica rapa L. subsp. dichotoma (Roxb.)] phyllody phytoplasma and identification of a potential vector. Journal of General Plant Pathology 77: 194-200. pdf |
6622 | Azzam, S., F. Yang, J.C. Wu, J. Geng, and G.Q. Yang. 2011 Imidacloprid-induced transference effect on some elements in rice plants and the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Insect Science 18(3): 289-297. pdf |
6623 | Bell, K.L., T.A. Heard, R.D. Van Klinken. 2011 Natural enemies of invasive Hymenachne amplexicaulis and its native congener in Australia and the potential for biological control. Biological Control 57(2): 130-137. |
6624 | Blake, R.J., B.A. Woodcock, A.J. Ramsay, E.S. Pilgrim, V.K. Brown, J.R. Tallowin, and S.G. Potts. 2011 Novel margin management to enhance Auchenorrhyncha biodiversity in intensive grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 140(3/4): 506-513. pdf |
6625 | Bu, C.P., M.J. Fletcher, and A.P. Liang. 2011 A review of the planthopper genus Armacia Stål (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Ricaniidae) with descriptions of four new species from Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Journal of Insect Science 11(89): 1-17. pdf |
6626 | Carl, M. 2007 Die Artenvielfalt der Zikadenfauna ausgewählter Bergwaldstandorte in Südtirol und dem Trentino (Insecta, Auchenorrhyncha). Entomofauna 28(21): 265-276. pdf |
6628 | Dong, S.Z., K. Pang, X. Bai, X.P. Yu, and P.Y. Hao. 2011 Identification of two species of yeast-like symbiotes in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Current Microbiology 62(4): 1133-1138. pdf |
6627 | Carl, M. 2008 Die Zikaden (Insecta, Auchenorrhyncha) des Schlern (Südtirol, Italien). Gredleriana 8: 321-340. pdf |
6629 | Dong, S.Z., Y. Ma, Y. Hou, X.P. Yu, and G.Y. Ye. 2011 Development of an ELISA for evaluating the reproductive status of female brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, by measuring vitellogenin and vitellin levels. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 139(2): 103-110. pdf |
6630 | Drobnjakovic, T., P. Peric, D. Marcic, L. Picciau, A. Alma, J. Mitrovic, B. Duduk, and A. Bertaccini. 2010 Leafhoppers and cixiids in phytoplasma-infected carrot fields: species composition and potential phytoplasma vectors. Pesticidi i Fitomedicina 25(4): 311-318. pdf |
6631 | Eken, C., S. Guclu, and K. Ak. 2011 First report of Conidiobolus coronatus in Turkey. Mycotaxon 115: 121-124. |
6632 | Gao, M.Q., S.P. Hou, D.Q. Pu, M. Shi, G.Y. Ye, Y.F. Peng, and X.X. Chen. 2011 Effects of Bt rice on the number and hatch rate of planthopper eggs and their attack by natural enemies in paddy fields. Acta Entomologica Sinica 54(4): 467-476. pdf |
6633 | Ge, L.Q., K.F. Zhao, L.J. Huang, and J.C. Wu. 2011 The effects of triazophos on the trehalose content, trehalase activity and their gene expression in the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 100(2): 172-181 pdf |
6634 | Gervasini, E. 2000 Il programma di lotta biologico a Metcalfa pruinosa in Lombardia. In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999. Pp. 21-26. pdf |
6635 | Kim, J.S., S.N. Ahn, S.J. Hong, J.H. Park, M.H. Lee, E.J. Han, P.N. Damodaran, Y.K. Kim, H.J. Jee, and C.K. Shim. 2011 Screening of resistance genes linked to brown planthopper using STS marker in aromatic rice germplasm. Korean Journal of Crop Science 56(2): 167-176. |
6636 | Ghaffar, M.B.A.B., J. Pritchard, and B. Ford-Lloyd. 2011 Ghaffar, M.B.A.B., J. Pritchard, and B. Ford-Lloyd. 2011. Brown planthopper (N. lugens Stal) feeding behaviour on rice germplasm as an indicator of resistance. PLoS ONE 6(7): e22137. pdf |
6637 | Gillerfors, G. 2011 Sjätte bidraget till stritarnas förekomst i Sverige – Fyra nya arter för landet och nya landskapsfynd. [Sixth contribution to the fauna of the Auchenorrhyncha in Sweden. Four new species to the country and new provincial records.] Entomologisk Tidskrift 132(1): 69-75. |
6638 | Girolami, V. 2000 Neodryinus typhlocybae: introduziona, diffusione e comportamento. In: Metcalfa pruinosa: Diffusione nel Continente Europeo e Prospecttive di Controllo Biologico. Atti del Convegno Tenuto a S. Donato, Milanese 21 Ottobre 1999. Pp. 12-14. pdf |
6639 | Gomi, K., M. Satoh, M. and J. Takabayashi. 2010 White-backed planthopper-induced resistance to pathogens in rice. Aroma Research 11(4): 358-361. |
6640 | Gowda, D.K. and S. Sidde. 2011 Insect pests of rice and their management in Karnataka state of India - a review. Agricultural Reviews 32(1): 55-62. |
6641 | Güçlü, S., K. Ak., C. Eken, H, Akyol, R. Sekban, B. Beytut, and R. Yildirim. 2010 Pathogenicity of Lecanicillium muscarium against Ricania simulans. Bulletin of Insectology 63(2): 243-246. pdf |
6642 | Günthart, H. 1992 Einige Zikaden-Nachweise aus Sudtirol (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadina). [Some leafhoppers from South Tyrol.] Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischer Verein Innsbruck 79: 183-185 pdf |
6643 | Hao, Z.N., L.P. Wang, Y.P. He, J.G. Liang, and R.X. Tao. 2011 Expression of defense genes and activities of antioxidant enzymes in rice resistance to rice stripe virus and small brown planthopper. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49(7): 744-751. |
6644 | Hori, Y. 1969 Two species of Homoptera, unrecorded from Shikoku, Japan. Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society 10(2): 64-66. |
6645 | Hori, Y. 1970 Genus Sarima Melichar of Japan, with the description of a new Ryukyu species (Hemiptera: Issidae). Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society 10(3/4): 79-83. |