Planthopper Bibliography Database
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Authors Year Title Journal | |
1649 | Fowler, H.G. and W.G. Whitford. 1985 Host plant ovipositional preferences and usage by Oecleus nolinus (Homoptera: Cixiidae). Southwestern Naturalist 30(4): 610-611. pdf |
1647 | Foster, S., L.J. Goodman, and J.G. Duckett. 1983 Sensory receptors associated with the stylets and cibarium of the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Cell and Tissue Research 232(1): 111-119. |
1648 | Foster, S., L.J. Goodman, and J.G. Duckett. 1983 Ultrastructure of sensory receptors on the labium of the rice brown planthopper. Cell and Tissue Research 230(2): 353-366. |
1646 | Foster, S. 1982 Sensory receptors on the mouthparts of the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål. Acta Entomologica Fennica 38 1981[1982]: 23-24. PY: |
8888 | Foster, D.E. , D.N. Ueckert and C.J. Deloach. 1981 Insects associated with broom snakeweed [Xanthocephalum sarothrae] and threadleaf snakeweed [Xanthocephalum microcephala] in west Texas and eastern New Mexico. Journal of Range Management 34(6): 446-454. pdf |
11060 | Fos, A., J.L Danet, L. Zreik, M. Garnier, and J.M. Bove. 1992 Use of monoclonal antibody to detect the stolbur mycoplasma like organism in plants and insects and to identify a vector in France. Plant Disease 76: 1092-1096. |
5195 | Forte, V., E. Angelini, M. Maixner, and M. Borgo. 2010 Preliminary results on population dynamics and host plants of Hyalesthes obsoletus in North-Eastern Italy. Vitis 49(1): 39-42. pdf |
1644 | Förster, H. 1960 Zikaden-Lichtfänge. Nachrichtenblatt der Oberlausitzer Insektenfreunde 4: 71-75. |
1645 | Förster, H. 1961 Zur Zikadenfauna der Oberlausitz. (Hemiptera - Homoptera). I. Typhlocybidae. Natura lusatica: Beiträge zur Erforschung der Natur der Lausitz 5: 61-72. |
1643 | Forrester, G.J. 1987 Elenchus tenuicornis (Kirby) (Strepsiptera: Elenchidae) in a malaise trap in Oxfordshire. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 123: 81. |
1642 | Forero, D. 2008 The systematics of the Hemiptera. Revista Colombiana de Entomologia 34(1): 1-21. pdf |
1641 | Forecasting Network of the-Natn Coop Res-Gp of brown planthopper. 1982 Studies on the overwintering limit of brown planthopper in China. Entomological Knowledge 19(1): 1-5. |
9148 | Forbes, A.R. and H.R. MacCarthy. 1969 Morphology of the Homoptera, with emphasis on virus vectors. In: K. Maramorosch, (ed.). Plant diseases of viral, viroid, mycoplasma, and uncertain etiology. Westview Press, Boulder Colorado. Pp. 211-234. |
12128 | Foottit, R.G., H.E.L. Maw, J.H. Kits and G.G.E. Scudder. 2019 Hemiptera of Canada. In: Langor DW, Sheffield CS (Eds) The Biota of Canada – A Biodiversity Assessment. Part 1: The Terrestrial Arthropods. ZooKeys 819: 277-290. pdf |
10338 | Foottit, R.G., E. Maw, and P.D.N. Hebert. 2014 DNA Barcodes for Nearctic Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta: Hemiptera). PLoS ONE 9(7): e101385 (10 pp). pdf |
12732 | Foottit, R. G., H. E. L. Maw, J. H. Kits, and G. G. E. Scudder. 2019 Hemiptera of Canada. In: D. W. Langor and C. S. Sheffield, (Eds.). The Biota of Canada – A Biodiversity Assessment. Part 1: The Terrestrial Arthropods. ZooKeys 819: 277–290. pdf |
6559 | Food and Agriculture Organization. 1966 Rice delphacids in Guadalcanal. FAO Plant Protection Committee for the South East Asia and Pacific Region, Quarterly Newsletter 9(1): 8. |
1640 | Fontes, E.M.G., D.H. Habeck, and F. Slansky, jr. 1994 Phytophagous insects associated with goldenrods (Solidago spp.) in Gainesville, Florida. Florida Entomologist 77(2): 209-221. pdf |
15163 | Fonseca-Cipagauta, L. and L. Franco-Lara. 2024 Caracterización preliminar de Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) asociados a robledales en la Reserva ProAves Reinita Cielo Azul, Santander, Colombia. Conservación Colombiana 29(1): 31-47. |
1639 | Fonseca, P. and M.A. Revez. 2002 Song discrimination by male cicadas Cicada barbara lusitanica (Homoptera, Cicadidae). Journal of Experimental Biology 205(9): 1285-1292. |
9073 | Fölling, M., C. Knogge and W. Böhme. 2001 Geckos are milking honeydew-producing planthoppers in Madagascar. Journal of Natural History 35(2): 279-284. |
14113 | Foley, J.R., C. Minteer, and P.W. Tipping, 2016 Differences in seasonal variation between two biotypes of Megamelus scutellaris (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), a biological control agent for Eichhornia crassipes (Pontederiaceae) in Florida. Florida Entomologist 99(3): 569-571. |
13879 | Foley, J. and C.R. Minteer. 2020 Water hyacinth planthopper (suggested common name) Megamelus scutellaris Berg (Insecta: Hemiptera: Delphacidae): EENY686/IN1182, 9/2017. EDIS 2017(5): 4. [EDIS=Electronic Data Information Source] |
5979 | Foissac, X., M.G. Edwards, J.P. Du, A.M. Gatehouse, and J.A. Gatehouse. 2002 Putative protein digestion in a sap-sucking homopteran plant pest (rice brown plant hopper; Nilaparvata lugens: Delphacidae) – identification of trypsin-like and cathepsin B-like proteases. Insect Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 32: 967-978. |
12073 | Foissac, X., F. Jreijiri, P. Salar, S. Wakim, J. Danet and E. Choueiri. 2019 A ‘Candidatus phytoplasma omanense’-related strain detected in yellowing grapevine, stunted bindweed and Cixiidae planthoppers in lebanon. European Journal of Plant Pathology (2018) 153(1): 265–272. |