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Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
7269 Sun, J.M., Q.H. Li, J. Chen, and R.M. Hua. 2001 Study on the occurrence rule and control techniques of rice planthopper. Journal of China Agricultural 29(3): 329-331,335.
4795 Lu, Y.T. 1993 Study on the optimization of managing rice planthoppers in paddy fields in West Zhejiang. Entomological Knowledge 30(6): 321-324.
13739 LU, Min, BuHong Zhao, Huaia Liu, YuRong Lu, and ChunMei Zhang. 2019 Study on the pesticides selection kit of Laodelphax striatellus. Journal of Yangzhou University, Agricultural and Life Sciences Edition 39(3): 91-94.
10543 LIU, YuSheng, YanXia CHEN, Fei LU, and Hua HE. 2006 Study on the prelimary indentification of internal bacteria in Lycorma delicatula (White). Journal of Shandong Agricultural University 37(4): 495-498. pdf
8198 Liu, G.J. 1993 Study on the promotion effect of sumiseven on resistance of rice plant to white backed planthopper. Plant Protection 19(6): 19.
8200 Liu, G.Q. 1994 Study on the quantitative prediction method of fifth generation brown planthopper. Plant Protection 20(5): 9-10.
6295 Chen, S.X., J. Hong, Y.P. Lu, et al. 2005 Study on the relation between RBSDV infecting stages in maize vein cell and active transmission of Laodelphax striatellus Fallen. Virologica Sinica 19(2): 153-157.[Chinese]
7689 Gu, X.J. 2010 Study on the relationship between field populations of brown planthopper longevity and the specific fragment of Biotype I population. Xiandai Nongye Keji [Modern Agricultural Science and Technology] 2010(4): 208-209.
5020 Zou, Y.D., J.C. Chen, and S.H. Wang. 1983 Study on the relationship between the internal contents of energy substance and the vitality of lipase with the migration of rice leaf roller (Cnaphlocrocis [Cnaphalocrocis] medinalis Guenee) and brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal). Acta Ecologica Sinica 3(1): 63-68. pdf
7386 Xu, X.L., Y.G. Zhang, and A.G. Yang. 2005 Study on the relationship between the numbers of Laodelphax striatellus and the incidences of rice stripe virus disease. China Plant Protection 25(3): 1-2.
11079 Nakao, T. 2015 Study on the structure and insecticide sensitivity of the RDL GABA receptor. Journal of Pesticide Science 40(3-4): 152-159. DOI: 110.1584/jpestics.J1515-1501. pdf
7560 Zhang, W.M., Y.P. Xiang, H. Ma, L.L. Qu, Cp>p. Fan, and X.Y. Hong. 2008 Study on the test of carriage rate of rice stripe virus by brown rice planthopper. North Rice 38(6): 52,75.
5585 Philippe, R., S. Reignard, S. Descamps, J. Nkansah-Poku, R. Quaicoe, F. Pilet, S. Fabre, and M. Dollet. 2009 Study on the transmission of coconut Lethal Yellowing in Ghana. OCL - Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids (Oléagineux, Corps Gras, Lipides) 16(2): 102-106. pdf
7503 Liu, Z.D., S.Z. Liu, M. Li, M. Ji, X. Zheng, R.T. Jiang, and W.J. Tan. 2000 Study on the ways of applying chemicals to control small brown back planthopper and maize rough dwarf virus disease in the rotation areas of wheat and maize. Plant Protection Technology and Extension 20(6): 12-13.
7609 Huang, F.K., S.M. Wei, S.S. Huang, S.Y. Luo, and Q. Li. 2001 Study on the wing type differentiation of different biotype of brown planthopper. Guangxi Agricultural Sciences 2001(5): 243-244.
7618 Hu, Y.H., X.F. Zuo, J.D. Su, and H.S. Liu. 2010 Study on threshold temperature and effective accumulated temperature of Laodelphax striatellus Fallen. Shandong Agricultural Sciences 2010(1): 75-77.
13864 Moin, M., A. Saha, A. Bakshi, D. Divya, M.S. Madhav, and P.B. Kirti. 2021 Study on transcriptional responses and identification of ribosomal protein genes for potential resistance against brown planthopper and gall midge pests in rice. Current Genomics 22(2): 98-110.
7519 Li, H.S., Y. Zhao, H.Y. Li, and C.H. Li. 2004 Study on transfer and diffusion rules of the vector (Laodelphax striatellus) population of rice stripe blight and its control technique. China Plant Protection 24(4): 12-13.
7654 Sun, X.L., H.D. Wang, K.R. Cao, J.L. Zhu, and Z.X. Tao. 2008 Study on transmission of rice stripe virus disease by Laodelphax striatellus at different developmental stages. China Plant Protection 28(11):19-20.
9439 Chen, Z., S. Bai, Z.C. Wang, S. Zeng, F. Zhu, J.X. Zhuang, R. Guo, and D.Y. Hu. 2012 Study on twenty-five percent pymetrozine-thiamethoxam suspension concentrate as an insecticide against rice planthopper. African Journal of Agricultural Research 7(33): 4627-4633. pdf
7514 Li, R.B., X.Y. Qin, S.M. Wei, F.K. Huang, X.J. Zhang, Y.W. Wei, X.Q. Yang, W.K. Li, Z.N. Deng, R.C. Zhu, S.S. Huang, W.L. Lu, Q. Li, and S.Y. Luo. 2003 Study on use of brown planthopper resistance derived from Oryza rufipogon (Griff.) in rice improvement. Genomics and Applied Biology 22(2): 75-83.
8629 Zhao, J.F., G.X. Pan, and S.N. Chen. 1993 Study on vital decision of gray system applied to control strategy of brown planthopper. Entomological Knowledge 30(4): 199-202.
6954 Cao, K.R., X.L. Sun, and J.L. Zhu. 2008 Study progress on the key control technology of Nilaparvata lugens. China Plant Protection 27(12): 15-18.
12864 Ricciuti, E. 2019 Study sheds light on spotted lanternfly’s life history in North America. Entomology Today 7-NOV-2019: 6 pp. 2019/11/07/study-sheds-light-on-spotted-lanternflys-life-history-in-north-america/ pdf
13740 Deepa, K., M. Ariavanamkatha Pillai, and N. Murugesan. 2018 Studying the mechanisms of resistance in different rice accessions against brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens). Journal of Entomological Research 42(2): 167-172.
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