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Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
100 Anufriev, G.A. and A.M. Averkin. 1982 Cicadinea of the family Delphacidae (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from the Sokhondo Reserve (Transbaicalia). Nasekomye Mongolii [Insects of Mongolia] 8: 123–139. pdf
11307 Tishechkin, D. Yu. 1988 Cicadinea (Homoptera) of Moscow Province. Nasekomye Moskovskoy oblasti. Problemy kadastra i okhrany [The insects of Moscow Province. The problems of kadastr and protection]. Nauka, Moscow 1988: 3–19. [in Russian]
8972 Cantoreanu, M. 1968 Cicadine (Homoptera-Auchen.) din regiunea Viitorului Lac de acumulare de la Portile de Fier. Studii si cercetari de Biologie seria zoologie 20: 341-345.
2583 Gjonov, I. 2004 Cicadina (Insecta: Homoptera) of the Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria). Biodiversity of Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece) 1957: 315-330.
1271 Emeljanov, A.F. 1969 Cicadina (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) of Central Kazachstan. Biokompleksnye issledovaniya v Kazachstane [Biocomplex Investigations in Kazakhstan] 1: 358-381. [In Russian] pdf
1131 Dmitriev, D.A. 2001 Cicadina (Homoptera) of the Voronezh State Biosphere Nature Reserve (Russia). Izvestiya Kharkovskogo Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva [Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette] 8(1): 81–85. [Russian]
1127 Dmitriyev, D.A. 1999 Cicadina (Homoptera) of the Tsentral'no-Cernozemnyi State Nature Reserve (Kursk Province, Russia). Izvestiya Kharkovskogo Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva [Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette] 7(1): 70-71. [Russian]
1769 Gnezdilov, V.M. 2000 Cicadina (Homoptera) of the Northwestern Caucasus. Thesis of dissertation of Candidat of Biological Sciences. St.–Petersburg. Thesis [Russian].
1130 Dmitriev, D.A. 2000 Cicadina (Homoptera) of the Galich'ya gora Nature Reserve and the Lipetsk Province. Izvestiya Kharkovskogo Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva [Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette] 7(2): 32-35 [Russian]
1129 Dmitriev, D.A. 2000 Cicadina (Homoptera) from the Central Black Earth Region. Abstract of Doctoral Thesis , St. Petersburg. [Russia] Thesis [in Russian]
1136 Dmitriev, D.A. 2002 Cicadina (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) of the Kola Peninsula basing mainly on the material collected in the Lapland Biosphere Nature Reserve. In: W. Holzinger, (ed.). Zikaden: Leafhoppers, Planthoppers, and Cicadas (Insecta: Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Denisia 4(176): 339–348.
4046 Shcherbakov, D.E. 1986 Cicadina (= Auchenorrhyncha). In: A.P. Rasnitsyn, (ed.). Insects in the Early Cretaceous Ecosystems of West Mongolia. Transactions of the Joint Soviet–Mongolian Palaeontological Expedition, vol. 28. Nauka, Moscow. Pp. 47–57. [Russian]
4291 Szwedo, J. 2004 Cicadetta podolica (Eichwald, 1830), Aphrophora major Uhler, 1896, Aphrophora similis Lethierry, 1888 [species entries]. In: Polish Red Data Book of Animals. Invertebrates. Institytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN. Akademia Rolnicza im. A. Cieszkowskiego. Pp. 77-79.
749 Cobben, R.H. and W.H. Gravestein. 1958 Cicaden, nieuw voor de Nederlandse fauna (Hom. Auchenorrhyncha). Entomologische Berichten (Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging) 18: 122-124.
13010 Haas, M. de and K. den Bieman. 2020 Cicaden in Hollandse Duinen (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Holland's Duinen 75: 54-61. [survey] pdf
10005 Evdokimov, A.B. 2013 Cicadellidae in wines of the Krasnodar Krai. Zashchita i Karantin Rastenii 6: 41 [Ricania japonica, Metcalfa pruinosa noted]
1459 Eyles, A.C. and R. Linnavuori. 1974 Cicadellidae and Issidae (Homopters) of Niue Island, and Matericals from the Cook Islands. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 1(1): 29-44. pdf
6441 Remes-Lenicov, A.M.M. de, S. Paradell, E. Virla, G. Varela, A. Costamagna, and R. Mariani. 1997 Cicadélidos y Delfácidos perjudiciales a cultivos de maíz en la República Argentina (Insecta-Homoptera). In: Actas VI Congreso Nacional de Maíz. Pp. 58-69
14219 Mozaffarian, F. 2021 Cicadas and hoppers as pests of field crops in Iran (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture, Agriculture Research, Education and Extension Organization, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Tehran, Iran. 115 pp. [Arabic with English summary]
2378 Jansky, V. 2001 Cicadas (Auchenorrhyncha) of the Nature Reserve Rojkovske raselinisko peatbog. Zbornik Slovenskeho Narodneho Muzea Prirodne Vedy 47: 52-57. [Slovak]
6026 Cloos, T. and T. Remane. 2006 Cicadas (Auchenorrhyncha) in the Halberg in Neumorschen (North Hesse, Fuldatal). Philippia [serial online] 12(3): 233-242.
9094 Vráblová, M., P. Tóth, and V. Janský. 2001 Cicadas (Auchenorrhyncha) associated with redroot pigweed, Amaranthus retroflexus L., in Slovakia. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica 4(2): 49-54.
4178 Spuris, Z. 1996 Cicadas (Auchenorrhyncha) as the objects of insect distribution mapping. Latvijas Entomologijas Arhivs 3: 12-15. [Latvian]
11467 Statz G. 1950 Cicadariae (Zikaden) aus den Oberoligocänen Ablagerungen von Rott. Palaeontographica (Abt. A) 98: 1–46.
10445 Bayryamova, V.K. 1976 Cicadae species (Homoptera, Auchenorryncha) from Strandja Mountains. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 5: 27-33. pdf
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