College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
1216 Dubovskii, G.K. 1970 New species of Auchenorrhyncha from Central Asia. [title translated from Russian]. Uzbekskij Biologicheskij Zhurnal 6: 46-50. pdf
4509 Vilbaste, J. 1961 New species of Homoptera: Iassidae. Uzbekskij Biologicheskij Zhurnal 1: 42-50 [Russian]
13385 Satturu, V., J.L. Vattikuti, A. Kumar, R.K. Singh, H. Zaw, M.L. Jubay, L. Satish. A. Rathore, S. Mulinti, I. Lakshmi, A. Fiyaz, A. Chakraborty, and N. Thirunavukkarasu. 2020 Multiple genome wide association mapping models identify quantitative trait nucleotides for brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) resistance in MAGIC Indica population of rice. Vaccines 8(4): 608; 1-17. (ePub Article #608, 17 pp.) pdf
375 Booij, C.J.H. 1983 Evolutie van triploide gynogenetische cicaden. [The evolution of triploid gynogenetic cicads]. Vakblad voor Biologen 63(3): 45-48
4518 Vilbaste, J. 1968 K faune tsikadovykh Primorskogo kraia. [Über die Zikadenfauna des Primorje Gebietes.] Valgus, Tallin, Estonia. [Russian with German summary] pdf
4523 Vilbaste, J. 1971 Eesti Tirdid Homoptera: Cicadinea I. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Zooloogia ja Botaanika Institute, Kirjastus. [Cicadiidae of Estonia. Homoptera: Cicadinea, Tettigometridae, Cixiidae, Delphacidae, Achilidae, Issidae, Cicadidae, Aphrophoridae, Membracidae.] Valgus, Tallin, Estonia. 283 pp. pdf
4533 Vilbaste, J. 1980 [Cicada fauna of Tuva. OR Homoptera Cicadinea of Tuva] [Fauna tsikadovykh Tuvy]. Valgus, Tallin, Estonia. - pdf
9565 Kanervo, V., O. Heikinheimo, M. Raatikainen, and A. Tinnila. 1957 The leafhopper Delphacodes pellucida (F.) (Hom. Auchenorrhyncha) as the cause and distributor of damage to oats in Finland. Valtion Maatalouskoetoiminnan Julkaisuja [Publications of the Finnish State Agricultural Research Board] 160: 1-56.
108 Arnett, R.H., jr. 1985 American Insects: A handbook of the insects of America north of Mexico. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. [reprinted - pdf
6055 Somermaa, K. 1970 Bekämpningsförsök i laboratorium mot glasvingade ängsstriten Javasella (=Calligypona) pellucida (F.). Vaxskyddsnotiser 4: 59-64. pdf
9621 Lindsten, K. 1980 Ar dvargskottsjukan och andra stritoverforbara sjukdomar pa vag att ater bli ett vaxtskyddsproblem? [Are the oat sterile dwarf and other planthopper-transmitted diseases returning as a plant-protection problem?] Vaxtskyddsnotiser 44(5): 121-126.
9811 Sömermaa, K. 1970 Control experiments in the laboratory against the Delphacid Javesella (= Calligypona) pellucida (F.).[ Bekampningsforsok I laboratorium mot glasvingade angsstriten Javesella (= Calligypona) pellucida (F.).] Vaxtskyddsnotiser 34(4): 59-64. pdf
190 Azrang, M. 1978 Studies on Laodelphax striatellus (Fallen, 1826) (Homoptera, Delphacidae). Vaxtskyddsrapporter Avhandlingar 1: 1-162.
6516 Murua, M.G., P. Fidalgo, and E. Virla. 2003 First record of Trichogramma atopovirilia Otman and Platner (Hym., Trichogrammatidae) for Argentina, attacking the eggs of Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lep., Noctuidae) on corn. Vedalia 9-10: 25-26.
9567 Kathirithamby, J. 2005 Strepsiptera (Insecta) of Mexico - a review. Vedalia 12(2): 103-118. pdf
2729 Lauterer, P. 1958 Prispewek k poznani krisu CSR. (Hom., Auchenorrhyncha). II. Časopis Moravshého Muzea. Vedy Prírodní 43: 125-136.
15047 Kooner, R., K.S. Suri, G.S. Makkar, G. Singh, R. Sharma, and R. Kumar. 2023 Appraisal of the impact of Dominant 20% SG on rice planthoppers and their natural enemies under North Indian Plains. Vegetos 36(3): 1008-1012. [Sogatella furcifera, Nilaparvata lugens]
9853 Venkateswarlu, Y., G.P. Narwane, M.S.R. Krishna, P. Nagarajan, and M. Bharathi. 2012 Tagging of brown planthopper resistance genes in F2s of IR50 x Ptb33 of rice by using bulked segregant analysis. X Venkateswarlu, Y., G.P. Narwane, M.S.R. Krishna, P. Nagarajan, and M. Bharathi. 2012. Tagging of brown planthopper resistance genes in F2s of IR50 x Ptb33 of rice by using bulked segregant analysis. Rice Science x Venkateswarlu, Y., G.P. Narwane, M.S.R. Krishna, P. Nagarajan, and M. Bharathi. 2012. Tagging of brown planthopper resistance genes in F2s of IR50 x Ptb33 of rice by using bulked segregant analysis. Rice Science 19(1): 70-74.
4213 Strübing, H. 1956 Die Oviduktdrüsen der Delphaciden (Hom.Auchenorrhyncha) und ihre Bedeutung für die Eiablage. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 1956: 361-366. pdf
4362 Traue, D. 1978 Vibrationskommunikation bei Euides speciosa Boh. (Homoptera - Cicadina: Delphacidae). Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 71: 167.
4363 Traue, D. 1980 Neue Ergebnisse zur Substratvibration bei Kleinzikaden (Homoptera-Cicadina). Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 73: 371.
4419 Tulowitzki, I. 1990 Einfluß der Beweidung auf die Populationsstruktur der Kleinzikade Psammotettix putoni (Hom. Auch.) in der Salzwiese der schleswig-holsteinischen Westküste. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 19(2): 152-162.
5076 Rothenbücher, J. and M. Schaefer. 2002 The impact of land use and flooding on the diversity of plant- and leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) in floodplain grassland. In: T. Peschel, J. Mrzljak, and G. Wiegleb, G. (eds.). Landschaft im Wandel - Ökologie im Wandel. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 32: 318.
2713 Lallemand, V. and H. Synave. 1953 Homoptères de Sumba et Florès. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel 64(1): 229–254 pdf
5523 Synave, H. 1966 Homoptères de Madagascar. Families: Ceropidae, Cixiidae, Meenoplidae, Dictyopharidae,Tropiduchidae, Flatidae, Ricaniidae. Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel 77(1): 55-75. pdf
574 | 575 | 576 | 577 | 578 | 579 | 580 | 581 | 582 578 of 611