College of Agriculture & Natural Resources | University of Delaware

Planthopper Bibliography Database

Authors Year Title Journal
11615 Niu, L., Mannakkara, A., Qiu, L., Wang, X.P., Hua, H.X., Lei, C.L., Jurat-Fuentes, J.L. and Ma, W.H. 2017 Transgenic Bt rice lines producing Cry1Ac, Cry2Aa or Cry1Ca have no detrimental effects on Brown Planthopper and Pond Wolf Spider. Scientific Reports 7 (ePub article 1940): 7 pp.
10547 Lu, Z.B., N.S. Han, J.C. Tian, Y.F. Peng, C. Hu, Y.Y. Guo, Z.C. Shen, and G.Y. Ye. 2014 Transgenic cry1Ab/vip3H+epsps rice with insect and herbicide resistance acted no adverse impacts on the population growth of a non-target herbivore, the white-backed planthopper, under laboratory and field conditions. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 13(12): 2678-2689. DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(13)60687-5.
10840 Lu, Z.B., Y.E. Liu, N.S. Han, J.C. Tian, Y.F. Peng, C. Hu, Y.Y. Guo, and G.Y. Ye. 2015 Transgenic cry1C or cry2A rice has no adverse impacts on the life-table parameters and population dynamics of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Pest Management Science 71(7): 937-945.
12023 Sun, Ze, Fengming Yan and Man-Qun Wang. 2018 Transgenic expression of Bt in rice does not affect feeding behavior and population density of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Entomologia Generalis 37(1): 35–45. doi: 10.1127/entomologia/2017/0068.
13157 NIU, Lin, Fang LIU, Shuai ZHANG, Junyu LUO, Lijuan ZHANG, Jichao JI, Xueke GAO, Weihua MA, and Jinjie CUI. 2020 Transgenic insect-resistant Bt cotton expressing Cry1Ac/CpTI does not affect the mirid bug Apolygus lucorum. Environmental Pollution 264: 114762; 1-9. (ePub Article#114762, 9 pp.) [Nilaparvata lugens]
5917 Saha, P., P. Majumder, I. Dutta, T. Ray, S.C. Roy, and S. Das. 2006 Transgenic rice expressing Allium sativum leaf lectin with enhanced resistance against sap-sucking insect pests. Planta 223: 1329-1343.
7177 Sun, X.F., K.X. Tang, B.L. Wan, H.X. Qi, and X.G. Lu. 2001 Transgenic rice homozygous lines expressing GNA showed enhanced resistance to rice brown planthopper. Chinese Science Bulletin 46(20): 1698-1703. pdf
11718 SUN, X., A. WU, and K. TANG. 2002 Transgenic rice lines with enhanced resistance to the small brown planthopper. Crop Protection 21(6): 511-514.
3329 Nagadhara, D., S. Ramesh, I.C. Pasalu, Y.K. Rao, N.P. Sarma, V.D. Reddy, and K.V. Rao. 2004 Transgenic rice plants expressing the snowdrop lectin gene (gna) exhibit high-level resistance to the whitebacked planthopper (Sogatella furcifera). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 109(7): 1399-1405.
7732 Tang, K.X, J. Fei, J.H. Yao, X.F. Sun, B.L. Wan, H.X. Qi, and X.G. Lu. 2001 Transgenic rice pure lines expressing GNA resistant to brown planthopper by feeding test. Journal of Fudan University 40(5): 477-482.
5264 Kawai S., Y. Matsumoto, T. Gotoh, and H. Noda. 2009 Transinfection of Wolbachia in planthoppers: Nymphal injection of cultured Wolbachia and infection dynamics. Environmental Entomology 38: 1626-1633.
8838 Arneodo, J.D., F.A. Guzman, S. Ojeda, M.L. Ramos, I. Laguna, L. Conci, and G. Truol. 2005 Transmisión del Mal de Río Cuarto virus por ninfas de primery tercer estadio de Delphacodes kuscheli. [Transmission of Mal de Río Cuarto virus by first and third-instar nymphs of Delphacodes kuscheli.] Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 40(2): 187-191. pdf
5554 Ornaghi J.A., A. Marinelli, G. March, G. Boito, and P. Rodriguez Pardina. 1993 Transmisión del virus causal del Mal de Río Cuarto por Delphacodes kuscheli Fennah a cultivos y malezas. In: Resúmenes Workshop “Mal de Río Cuarto del Maíz”. Córdoba, Argentina. Pp. 41-42.
4376 Truol, G.A., T. Usugi, J. Hirao, J.D. Arneodo, M.P. Gimenez-Pecci and I.G. Laguna. 2000 Transmision experimental del virus del mal de Rio Cuarto por Delphacodes kuscheli. [Experimental transmission of Mal del Rio Cuarto virus by Delphacodes kuscheti.] Fitopatologia Brasileira 26(1): 39-44. [Portuguese] pdf
6621 Azadvar, M. V.K. Baranwal, and D. K. Yadava. 2011 Transmission and detection of toria [Brassica rapa L. subsp. dichotoma (Roxb.)] phyllody phytoplasma and identification of a potential vector. Journal of General Plant Pathology 77: 194-200. pdf
3382 Nault, L.R. 1994 Transmission biology, vector specificity and evolution of planthopper-transmitted plant viruses. In: R.F. Denno and T.J. Perfect (eds.). Planthoppers: Their Ecology and Management. Chapman and Hall, New York. Pp. 429-448.
6161 Li, L., H. Li, H. Dong, X. Wang, and G. Zhou. 2011 Transmission by Laodelphax striatellus Fallen of rice black-streaked dwarf virus from frozen infected rice leaves to healthy plants of rice and maize. Journal of Phytopathology 159(1): 1-5.
11942 Cao, Q., W.Y. Xu, Q. Gao, Z. H. Jiang, S.Y. Liu, X.D. Fang, D. M. Gao, Y. Wang and X. B. Wang. 2018 Transmission characteristics of Barley Yellow Striate Mosaic Virus in its planthopper vector Laodelphax striatellus. Frontiers in Microbiology 9 (article 1419, ePub), 9 pp. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01419. pdf
9743 Pu, L.L., G.H. Xie, C.Y. Ji, B. Ling, M.X. Zhang, D.L. Xu, and G.H. Zhou. 2012 Transmission characteristics of Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus by rice planthoppers. Crop Protection 41: 71-76. pdf
795 Conti, M. and O. Lovisolo. 1984 Transmission des virus de vegetaux par les cicadelles. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France 89(1-4): 730-740.
5074 Ammar, E.D., R.E. Gingery, and L.V. Madden. 1995 Transmission efficiency of three isolates of maize stripe tenuivirus in relation to virus titre in the planthopper vector. Plant Pathology 44: 239-43. pdf
11264 Xu, B., L.L. You, Y. Wu, J. Ding, L.Q. Ge, and J.C. Wu. 2016 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) observations of female oocytes from Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera: Delphacidae): Antibiotic jinggangmycin (JGM)-induced stimulation of reproduction and associated changes in hormone level. Journal of Economic Entomology 109(4): 1677-1682. DOI: 1610.1093/jee/tow1085. pdf
106 Arneodo, J.D., F.A. Guzman, L.R. Conci, I.G. Laguna, and G.A. Truol. 2002 Transmission Features of Mal de Rio Cuarto Virus in Wheat by Its Planthopper Vector Delphacodes kuscheli. Annals of Applied Biology 141: 195-200.
11190 Chuche, J., J.L. Danet, P. Salar, X. Foissac, and D. Thiery. 2016 Transmission of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani' by Reptalus quinquecostatus (Hemiptera: Cixiidae). Annals of Applied Biology 169(2): 214-223. DOI: 210.1111/aab.12291
352 Bianco, P.A., A. Alma, P. Casati, G. Scattini, and A. Arzone. 2001 Transmission of 16SrV phytoplasmas by Scaphoideus titanus Ball in northern Italy. Plant Protection Science 37(2): 49-56.
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